Hikari no Wa

The Circle of Rainbow Light (ひかりの輪 Hikari no Wa, lit. Circle of Light) is a breakaway group started by Fumihiro Joyu (上祐史浩 Jōyū Fumihiro),[1] the previous spokesperson and public relations manager of the Japanese terrorist cult Aum Shinrikyo in 2007.[2]

At its foundation, the group had 57 live-in followers and nine other executives with 106 lay members.

Despite publicizing the intention of "completely discarding the influence of Aum founder Shoko Asahara", the Japanese Public Security Intelligence Agency said the sect will remain subject to surveillance under the law just like Aum,[3] which renamed itself Aleph in 2000.


  1. Former Aum Shinrikyo cult spokesman sets up new group, Kyodo News Service, Japan, May 7, 2007
  2. http://www.cfr.org/publication/9238/
  3. Cult group of former Aum official inspected by public safety agency. Retrieved on May 10, 2007.

External links