Highvale Secondary College

Highvale Secondary College
Capital Avenue
Melbourne, Victoria, 3150
Type Public
Motto "Making a difference"
Established 1977
Principal Ian Watkins
Years 7-12
Enrolment 930

Maroon, Green, and Gold

Website www.highvalesc.vic.edu.au

Highvale Secondary College is a state high school located in the eastern Melbourne suburb of Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia. Established in 1977, Highvale is a successful secondary college with an excellent academic record. The school specialises in Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and, as a result, an extremely high percentage of students gain entrance to tertiary studies. Highvale has a strong record of curriculum innovation.


In 2013, Highvale Secondary College achieved a 100% pass rate and all Year 12 students were qualified for tertiary entrance. Highvale Secondary College's 2013 VCE results were above state average. Median Study Score was 31 (State's average is 30) and 8.2% of all study scores were at or above 40 (Placing students in the top 8% in the state, state's median is 5%).. The school was ranked 24th among all public schools [1] in that same year. Over 31% of the Year 12 cohort received ATAR score of over 80 and over 16% received ATAR score of over 90. The 2013 Dux of Highvale achieved an atar of 99.60. [2] In 2011, Highvale Secondary College was one of the seven public government schools that had at least one student scoring an atar of 99.90 or above.[3] The other six schools being Melbourne High School, Mac.Robertson Girls' High School, McKinnon Secondary College, St Albans Secondary College, Balwyn High School, Vermont Secondary College. In 2007, Highvale Secondary College had over 10% of study scores at or over 40.


There are fully equipped specialist rooms for the arts, science, information technology, media, home economics, library and technology. The college is fully networked with computer facilities comprising 360 computers in three computer laboratories, computer pods and banks and trolleys of computers and netbooks in many classrooms around the school all providing internet access. The computer-to-student ratio is 1:1. Building upgrades have been undertaken in science, information technology, technology materials, visual arts, media, home economics and administration, as well as a Senior Study Student Centre, computerised library, canteen, tennis courts, indoor sports gymnasium/multi-purpose centre, music laboratories, dance studio and drama room, all situated in an award-winning native garden setting.


In Year 7 there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy. Students are taught by a team of teachers highly experienced in engaging students in their learning. This ensures that students make a smooth transition from primary to secondary schooling. From Years 8 to 12, the curriculum structure is vertical, in that students are individually time-tabled for each semester according to their academic ability, needs and interests, rather than according to age or year-level group. Curriculum units are designed to provide acceleration with enrichment catering for the special needs of gifted and talented students. A significant number of students are accelerated in Mathematics and English along with many students in Year 10 and Year 11 who undertake VCE 1, 2, 3 and 4 units respectively. Students also participate in the tertiary enrichment programs conducted at Monash and Melbourne University. Close liaison with nearby primary schools, along with a comprehensive transition program to secondary school (from October to February), assists with smooth transition into secondary study. Student achievements in all academic, music and sporting fields are acknowledged at the annual presentation evening. The college caters for international fee-paying students under the DEECD guidelines.


There are core and elective units in Physical Education, with all students in Years 7 to 10 doing Physical Education/Sport Education. Students are encouraged to participate in house swimming and athletic events and a wide range of inter-school sporting competitions.

Extra-curricular activities

Tutoring in Mathematics and English and all VCE subjects is available for Years 7 to 12 as well as school productions, Student Representative Council, student committees, junior and senior socials, debutante ball, foreign exchange program, work-related activities, clubs (including science, chess, music, computers, fencing, photography and school magazine), an expanding instrumental program with students participating in concert bands, leadership development programs, public speaking and debating competitions, a Central Australia trip with other camps in Years 7 to 9 and field trips. The school also offers a China tour to its sister schools every two years and a German student exchange program.

Student welfare programs

Counselling and support are provided by heads of school, year level co-ordinators, primary-to-secondary school transition co-ordinators, a student welfare counsellor, a guidance officer and a careers teacher. A Year 11/Year 7 peer support program operates along with a peer mediation support scheme. Student input into decision-making is provided through membership of college council, Student Representative Council and student captains at each of the sub-schools. First aid is provided by a trained attendant in the sick bay.
