High Command of Capital Hanoi

Command of the Capital City of Hanoi (Vietnamese: Bộ tư lệnh Thủ đô Hà Nội) of Vietnam People's Army, is directly under the Ministry of Defense of Vietnam, tasked to organize, build, manage and command armed forces defending the capital of the state. The predecessor of Command of Capital Hanoi was established in October 1945. By November 1946, the state was reorganized into 12 War Zones (Vietnamese: Chiến khu). Hanoi was reorganized into the 11th War Zone, also known as the Front of Hanoi. When the French Indochina War broke out on December 19, 1946, Front of Hanoi was annexed into 2nd War Zone. From November 1, 1948, 2nd War Area is placed directly under the authority of 3rd Joint Zone (Vietnamese: Liên Khu), but by May 1949, the urban of Hanoi was split to form the Front of Hanoi independent, under the Commander-in-Chief. This situation is maintained until after 1954, when the zone called Hanoi. By 1957, the General Command established troops of Hanoi under the control of General Command. To August 1, 1964, placed directly under the 3rd Military Zone. However, in September 1964 it recovered independent of the Capital Command. On March 5, 1979, by Ordiance 28-LCT, the Capital Military Zone was established on the basis of the Capital Command, in terms of military management in the city of Hanoi. In 1999, areas of the Capital Military Zone, including additional in old Hà Tây Province had merged and now form part of Hanoi. By ordinance No.16 of President of Vietnam on July 16, 2008 Command of Capital Hanoi was reorganized basis Military Zone of Capital Hanoi.



Successive Commander and Leadership

Special Zone of Hanoi (1945-1946)

War Zone 11 (1946)

War Zone 2 (1946-1949)

Front Hanoi (1949-1957)

The Troops of Hanoi (1957-1964)

Command of Capital (1964-1979)

Capital Military Zone (1979-2008)


Political Commissioners, Deputy Commanders of Politics

Deputy Commander cum Chief of Staff

Command of Capital (08/2009-)