Hidden Potential

Hidden Potential is a television series originally hosted by Peggy Bunker, but later hosted by Brandie Malay, that helps home buyers (and viewers) visualize what their dream home could look like before they buy it. The series premiered on HGTV on October 1, 2007. In each episode, a home buyer looks at three homes that need renovation in order to meet their needs for the house. As they tour each home, a design expert show the home buyer computer-generated graphics that showcase the home's "hidden potential." In the end, the home buyer chooses one to turn into their dream home.

When the series initially started, Barry Wood was the design expert, however in later episodes Paige Rien, from another HGTV series Curb Appeal, is also seen in this role.


In the show the designer has a laptop with the software "Home Design" by software maker Chief Architect to show potential renovations and estimate costs on the spot.

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