Hessdalen light

The Hessdalen light is an unexplained light usually seen in the Hessdalen valley in the municipality of Holtålen in Sør-Trøndelag county, Norway.

History and description

The Hessdalen light most often appears as a bright white or yellow light of unknown origin standing or floating above the ground level. Sometimes the light can be seen for more than one hour. There are several other types of unexplained lights observed in the Hessdalen valley.[1]

Unusual lights have been reported in the region since the 1940s or earlier. Especially high activity of Hessdalen lights took place from December 1981 until the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15–20 times per week. The frequency of the lights caused a gathering of numerous tourists staying there overnight to see the phenomenon.[2] Since then, the activity has decreased and now the lights are observed some 10–20 times per year.


Since 1983 there has been ongoing scientific research often nicknamed "Project Hessdalen", initiated by UFO-Norge and UFO-Sweden. The project was active as field investigations during 1983–1985. In 1998, the Hessdalen AMS automated scientific research station was built in the valley. It registers and records the appearance of lights.

Later, the EMBLA program was initiated. It brings together established scientists and students into researching these lights. Leading research institutions are Østfold University College (Norway) and the Italian National Research Council.

Possible explanations

In spite of ongoing research there is no convincing explanation of the origin of these lights. However, there are numerous working hypotheses.

See also


  1. Hessdalen July 2012 Video by Jimmy Fransson
  2. "Hessdalen lights". Wondermondo.
  3. http://www.itacomm.net/ph/2007_HAUGE.pdf
  4. "A hypothetical dusty-plasma mechanism of Hessdalen Lights". CiteULike. 2010-08-04. Retrieved 2014-02-04.
  5. http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/jse_18_2_teodorani.pdf
  6. Teodorani, M (2004). "A Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon". Journal of Scientific Exploration 18 (2): 217–251. Archived from the original on January 13, 2008.
  7. http://monographs.iarc.fr/ENG/Monographs/vol81/mono81.pdf
  8. "Helices swirl in space-dust simulations". physicsworld.com. Retrieved 2014-02-04.
  9. Paiva, G. S.; Taft, C. A. (4 August 2010). "A hypothetical dusty-plasma mechanism of Hessdalen Lights". Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics.
  10. "Hessdalen Lights and Piezoelectricity from Rock Strain - Tags: PIEZOELECTRICITY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY". Connection.ebscohost.com. Retrieved 2014-02-04.
  11. "Cluster formation in Hessdalen lights". Sciencedirect.com. 2012-05-31. Retrieved 2014-02-04.
  12. http://discover-decouvrir.cisti-icist.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/eng/article/?id=19336578
  13. Chamberlain, J.W., Physics of the Aurora and Air-glow (Academic Press Inc. , New York, 1961)
  14. Mehr, F J and Biondi, M A, Electron temperature dependence of recombination O2+ and N2+ ions with electrons, Phys. Rev. 181, 264–71 (1969)
  15. Teodorani, M. A., Long-term scientific survey of the Hessdalen phenomenon. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 18, 217–251 (2004)
  16. Paiva, G. S.and Taft, C. A, A mechanism to explain the spectrum of Hessdalen Lights phenomenon, Met. Atm. Phys. 117, 1–4 (2012)
  17. Paiva, G. S.and Taft, C. A, Color Distribution of Light Balls in Hessdalen Lights Phenomenon, J. Sc. Expl. 25, 735 (2011)
  18. Ailleris, P., The lure of local SETI, Acta Astronautica 68, 2-15 (2011)
  19. "Microsoft Word - Rebuttal5.doc" (PDF). Retrieved 2014-02-04.

External links