Herve cheese

Other names Fromage de Herve
Country of origin Belgium
Region Herve municipality
Town Herve
Source of milk Cows
Pasteurised yes or no
Texture soft
Fat content 45%
Weight 50,100,200,400g
Aging time 3/4 weeks to 2 months[1]
Certification PDO[2]

Herve is a Belgian rind washed soft cheese made from cow's milk. The aging process takes place in ripening cellars of the Herve countryside, sometimes cut into its chalky rock.

Herve comes from the Belgian town of the same name, which was part of the Duchy of Limburg. It has been produced since the 15th century.

Other variants of pungent and soft "Limburger" cheeses are now made in many countries, using the name derived from the old Duchy. It is sometimes flavored with herbs. Herve has a pale yellow interior with a glossy reddish-brown coating created by the bacteria that grow during its 3-month aging. It is usually shaped into a brick when sold. The taste and flavor of the cheese deepens during the period of ripening. When young, the interior is sweet, and with age it becomes spicy. Because it is so strong, Herve is best eaten with dark breads and beers.

It is often regarded as one of the most popular cheeses in Belgium.

See also


  1. "Fromage de Herve" (in French). Official web site. Retrieved 30 March 2014.
  2. "Fromage de Herve". DOOR. Retrieved 30 March 2014.