Heroes of Comedy
Heroes of Comedy is a British television series, produced by Thames Television, and broadcast on Channel 4, which devotes each episode to a legend of British comedy. It was produced by John Fisher. Beginning in 1995, it followed a 2½ hour more general programme from 1992.
Series one
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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Contributions from Roy Hudd and Bob Monkhouse. An animatronic Miller was created for the programme and performed by David Barclay, Dave Chapman and Mike Quinn.
Series two
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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The first group subject and the first where, two of the performers covered (Spike Milligan and Harry Secombe) were alive at the time of broadcast.
Series three
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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This series examined dead performers.
Series four
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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All subjects in this series were living at the time of broadcast.
Series five
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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This series examined living and dead performers.
Series six
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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Previously covered as part of the Goons episode.
Series seven
Episode number | Subject | Original air date |
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