Heritage of Xiguan

National Cultural Heritages (National historic sites and cultural objects under state protection)

There are two Major Sites Protected at the National Level in Xiguan:

Chan Clan Academy

Main article:Chen Clan Academy

Chen Clan Academy

陳家祠(Chen Clan Ancestral Hall),又稱陳氏書院(Chen Clan Academy),於清光緒十六年(1890年)興建,由黎巨林設計,以其"三雕、三塑、一鑄鐵"而著稱,號稱"百粵冠祠"。






中路一、二進間的院子內有石欄杆鑲嵌的鐵鑄雙通花欄板"金玉滿堂"、"三羊啟泰" 。



Provincial Cultural Heritages (provincial historic sites and cultural objects under protection)

The are 3 Provincial Cultural Heritages in Xiguan:

Municipal Cultural Heritages (municipal historic sites and cultural objects under protection)

The are 13 Municipal Cultural Heritages in Xiguan:

Hualin Temple

Main entrance of Hualin Temple

Hualin Temple (Chinese: 華林寺; pinyin: Huálín Sì; Jyutping: Waa4 Lam4 Zi2) is located in Hualinsi Qianjie (Chinese: 華林寺前街; pinyin: Huálínsì Qiánjiē; Jyutping: Waa4 Lam4 Zi2 Cin4 Gaai1; literally: "Hualin Temple Frontstreet"), Xilai Chudi (Chinese: 西來初地; pinyin: Xīlái Chūdì; Jyutping: Sai1 Loi4 Co1 Dei6-2; literally: "The first place where a monk from the West (i.e., Bodhidharma) arrived"), Xiajiu Lu (Chinese: 下九路; pinyin: Xiàjiǔ Lù; Jyutping: Haa6 Gau2 Lou6; literally: "Lower 9th Rd."). Its predecessor was Xilai Buddhist Convent (Chinese: 西來庵; pinyin: Xīlái Ān; Jyutping: Sai1 Loi4 Am1), set up during Emperor Wu of Liang (Chinese: 梁武帝) years (20s, 6th century), Southern and Northern Dynasties (Chinese: 南北朝) by an Indian eminent monk, Bodhidharma (Chinese: 達摩), after he set up an altar to preach Buddhism. In 1655 (12th year of Shunzhi Emperor (Chinese: 順治帝), Qing Dynasty), Zen Master Zongfu (Chinese: 宗符禪師) initiated its rehabilitation and changed its name to Hualin Temple. There used to be an Gilded Ashoka Pagoda (Chinese: 阿育王塔) and 500 Arhats' statues (Chinese: 五百羅漢像) but some of them were destroyed afterwards.

Arhats' statues in the Hall of the 500 Arhats

Renwei temple


Jinlun Guild Hall



Five-mouthed Wells

Five-mouthed Wells (Chinese: 五眼井; pinyin: Wǔyǎn Jǐng; Jyutping: Ng5 Ngaan5 Zeng2), alternatively known as (Chinese: 五眼泉; pinyin: Wǔyǎn Quán; Jyutping: Ng5 Ngaan5 Cyun4), lie next to Hualin Temple.

Taihua Building

Taihua Building (Chinese: 泰華樓; pinyin: Tàihuá Loú; Jyutping: Taai3 Waa4 Lau4) is located at No.27, Duobao Fang (Chinese: 多寶坊; pinyin: Duōbǎo Fāng; Jyutping: Do1 Bou2 Fong1; literally: "Treasure Lane"), Enning Lu. It used to be the study of Li Wentian (Chinese: 李文田), the Tanhua (Chinese: 探花; pinyin: Tànhuā; Jyutping: Taam3 Faa1; literally: "No.3 in national civil examinations in feudal China or the 3rd place in imperial examination or No.3 scholar") during Xianfeng Emperor (Chinese: 咸豐帝) years, Qing Dynasty. The building had a collection of 100 thousand books, some of which were lost during Second Sino-Japanese War (Chinese: 抗日戰爭). Moreover, some of the calligraphy works and paintings were taken away during Cultural Revolution (Chinese: 文化大革命).

Registered Cultural Heritages (registered historic sites and cultural objects under protection)

The are 11 Registered Cultural Heritages in Xiguan:[1]

Wen Tower

With a height of 13 meters, the Wen Tower (Chinese: 文塔; pinyin: Wéntǎ; Jyutping: Man4 Taap8; literally: "Pagoda of the God of Culture and Literature") stands in Pantang (Chinese: 泮塘; pinyin: Pàntáng; Jyutping: Bun6-3 Tong4-2; literally: "Half Pond"), which used to be the flowery orchard of King Liu (Chinese: 劉王; pinyin: Liúwáng; Jyutping: Lau4 Wong4) in Southern Han (Chinese: 南漢; pinyin: Nánhàn; Jyutping: Naam4 Hon3). It was built to enshrine and worship Wenqu Xing (Chinese: 文曲星; pinyin: Wénq Xng; Jyutping: Man4 Kuk7 Sing1; literally: "God of Culture and Literature or scientifically Delta Ursae Majoris") sometime between Mid-Ming Period and Early Qing.

Heritages preservation measures

Cultural Heritages Management Office of Liwan District (Chinese: 荔灣區文物管理所) was founded in 1998.

The Cultural Heritages Preservation Liaison System among the District, Subdistricts and residential communities (Chinese: 區、街道、社區三級文物保護聯絡制度) was founded in 2001.

Liwan Government had invested funds of totally 59.383 million RMB yuan to preserve cultural heritages by 2001.
