Herbert Menzies Marshall

The Temple garden (from "London Watercolours")

Herbert Menzies Marshall[1] (1841–1913) was an English watercolour painter and illustrator.

Marshall was born in Leeds, the son of a high court Judge, and educated first at Westminster school, London and later at Cambridge University, where he earned a "blue" at cricket. He studied architecture under Charles-Auguste Questel in Paris and at the Royal Academy, London where he was awarded a "travelling studentship". When he returned to the academy in 1869, he decided to train instead as a watercolourist.

Marshall exhibited in London at the Royal Academy, Fine Art Society, Royal Watercolour Society and elsewhere. He was a member of the Royal Watercolour Society (RWS) and Royal Society of Painters and Etchers. He eventually became professor of landscape painting at Queen’s College, London.

Marshall became known for his cityscapes of London but also painted in other parts of England and Scotland, and on the continent in the Netherlands, France and Germany.


  1. Huish. British Watercolour Art etc (1904).


Written and/or illustrated by Marshall
About Marshall

External links