Herakleidon Art Museum

Herakleidon: Experience in Visual Arts is a private art museum in Athens, Greece. Since its opening on July 13, 2004, the museum has held exhibitions featuring renowned artists, including M.C. Escher, Victor Vasarely and Henri Toulouse-Lautrec.

The museum's mission is to introduce visitors to the art of the exhibited artist, to show how the artist has evolved through the various important periods in his or her career, to explain the various techniques used by the artist to express his or her vision, and to help the visitors connect to both the artist's life and work. To accomplish this, not only will works of the artist be on exhibit, but also preparatory sketches, drawings, photographs and personal items. Audiovisual and other aids provide complete and detailed information on the life of the artist, each phase of his or her work, and his or her techniques.

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