Henry IV (Pirandello)

Enrico IV

Henry IV (Enrico IV) is an Italian play by Luigi Pirandello written in 1921 premiered the following year. A study on madness with comic and tragic elements, it is about man who believes himself to be Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor. It has been translated into English by Tom Stoppard, among others. Rex Harrison starred in a noted British production which went to Broadway in 1973, though the Stoppard translation was not used in the production.[1]

Plot overview

A talented actor and historian falls off his horse while playing the role of Henry IV in a historical pageant. After he comes to, he believes himself to be Henry. For the next twenty years, his wealthy nephew, Count de Nolli, funds an elaborate hoax in a remote villa, hiring actors to play the roles of Henry's privy councillors in order to simulate the 11th century court.

De Nolli's dying mother requests that he bring a Doctor, who is referred to as the latest in a succession to try to cure Henry (whose real name, if it is not Henry, is never mentioned). All the action of the play occurs on the day of the Doctor's visit.

Accompanying de Nolli and the Doctor are:

In the first two acts the visitors play parts from the period whilst interacting with Henry.

The play begins with the induction of Bertoldo to the band of privy councillors. He has prepared for the part in Henry IV's court. The visitors then arrive and are later introduced to Henry. Henry mistakes Belcredi's disguise of a simple monk for Peter Damian and reacts angrily, but is later calmed.

Act two begins with speculation among the visitors about Henry, as well as what he sees in Matilda, who argues constantly with Belcredi. Henry enters once more and his behaviour is increasingly erratic. Once the visitors arrive Henry declares to his councillors that he is not truly mad, but has been aware of the nature of his existence for some time. However he has preferred to stay as he was than to live in the 20th century (the play is set in the 1920s). His behaviour and speech remain abnormal.

Upon learning of this revelation the visitors confront Henry, who acts angrily to them, particularly Belcredi. At the end of the act he grabs Frida, who is dressed as in the portrait in preparation for the Doctor's plan to shock Henry out of his madness. In the ensuing altercation Henry stabs Belcredi. The visitors flee, and Henry resumes his regal persona as the curtain falls.


  1. http://www.ibdb.com/production.php?id=3186

External links