Henri Fehr

Henri Fehr (Zurich, 2 February 1870 – 1954) was a Swiss mathematician. He was the founder of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mathematical Sciences, of the journal "Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici" and of the journal "L'Enseignement Mathématique" along with Charles-Ange Laisant.[1] Fehr's interests in mathematics were scientific and social as is amply demonstrated by his involvement in academic life, committees for the improvement of mathematical instruction, education of teachers and internationalization of mathematics.[2]

He studied in Switzerland and in France. His doctoral dissertation was about the method of Grassmann vectors applied to differential geometry.

Fehr was professor of the University of Geneva and later dean, vice-rector and rector. He was considered an exceptional pedagogue with a great interest for the social aspects of the mathematics community and for the academic life.

