
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Chromalveolata
(unranked): Hacrobia
Phylum: Cryptophyta
Class: Cryptophyceae
Order: Cryptomonadales
Family: Hemiselmidaceae
Genus: Hemiselmis

Hemiselmis is a cryptophyte genus, including the species Hemiselmis andersenii.[1]


  1. Christopher E. Lane, Krystal van den Heuvel, Catherine Kozera, Bruce A. Curtis, Byron J. Parsons, Sharen Bowman & John M. Archibald (December 2007). "Nucleomorph genome of Hemiselmis andersenii reveals complete intron loss and compaction as a driver of protein structure and function". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (50): 19908–19913. doi:10.1073/pnas.0707419104. PMC 2148396. PMID 18077423.