Heen Banda Udurawana

Heen Banda Udurawana (1900 - 1989) was a member of the Senate of Ceylon and Diyawadana Nilame of the Temple of the Tooth, Kandy.[1]

Born at Udurawana, Wattegama; he was educated at Christ Church College, Wattegama and at the School of Agriculture, Alawatugoda. He became a planter, businessman, contractor and transport agent.

He was elected to the Kandy Municipal Council in 1948 and served as Deputy Mayor and acted as Mayor on certain occasions. From 1967 to 1971 he was a member of the Senate of Ceylon.[2]

In 1948, was elected Basnayake Nilame of Saman Devale, Alawatugoda; later became the Basnayake Nilame of the Natha Devale in Kandy in 1958. He was elected the 16th Diyawadana Nilame, the lay custodian of the Sacred Tooth Relic in 1964 and held the it till 1974, when he was succeeded by Nissanka Wijeyeratne.

See also
