Hedvig Elisabet Strömfelt
Hedvig Elisabet Strömfelt, née Wrangel (1687-1751), was a Swedish courtier. She served as Mistress of the Robes to two queens of Sweden, Ulrika Eleonora of Sweden (1736–41) and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia (1744-51), and as Royal Governess to the royal children in 1746-51. Gustav III refers to her with affection and admiration in his writings.
- Gustaf Elgenstierna, Den introducerade svenska adelns ättartavlor. 1925-36.
- http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:486518/FULLTEXT01
- Olof Jägerskiöld (1945). Lovisa Ulrika. Stockholm: Wahlström & Widstrand. ISBN