
For some,[1] this cup shows Hecamede mixing kykeon for Nestor. Tondo of an Attic red-figure cup, ca. 490 BC. From Vulci.

In the Iliad, Hecamede (Ἑκαμήδη), daughter of Arsinoos, was captured from the isle of Tenedos and given as captive to King Nestor. Described as "skilled as a goddess", "fair" and "proud", Hecamede was not a concubine but a serving woman. In her most prolonged mention, she serves Nestor and Machaon Pramnian wine, a medicinal drink.[2]


  1. A. Dalby, Siren Feasts, London, 1996, p.151
  2. Homer, Iliad, 11. 624 - 635; see also 14. 6