Hear This Well

Hear This Well, also known as #hearthiswell, is a social media campaign on YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook, started by Polly Tommey, in which parents who believe their child suffers from vaccine induced autism or other vaccine injury share their stories. [1][2]

The “Hear This Well” campaign started in response to a CNN correspondent, Elizabeth Cohen who said in a video clip:

“Vaccines are safe. Autism is not a side effect of vaccines, or to say it another way because some people don’t hear this well, vaccines do not cause autism.”

In response to Cohen’s statement that vaccines do not cause autism, parents upload videos to YouTube where they share stories of how autism has affected their families and share their belief that their children’s autism or other health problems are the result of vaccine injury. They then instruct Elizabeth Cohen and others to “hear this well”. These YouTube videos are shared on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #hearthiswell.[3][4] In an op-ed for the Epoch Times, Carol Hoernlein said the campaign "carries moving video of parents sharing their stories".[5] In response to a question regarding what makes the "Hear this Well" social media campaign unique, campaign creator Polly Tommey says, “The thing that makes this different is, there’s no medical paper, there’s no research that can stop what’s happening now because it’s real. It’s there. People are just coming out with heartfelt messages, saying please don’t put yourselves in the position we are in.”[6]

See also


  1. Farber, Celia (4 September 2014). "Autism Parents Reply to CNN: ‘Hear This Well’". Epoch Times. Retrieved 5 September 2014.
  2. Stokowski-Bisanti, Jeannie (1 September 2014). "CDC denies autistic children a voice, parents demand they be heard". Examiner. Retrieved 5 September 2014.
  3. Farber, Celia (4 September 2014). "Autism Parents Reply to CNN: ‘Hear This Well’". Epoch Times. Retrieved 5 September 2014.
  4. Stokowski-Bisanti, Jeannie (1 September 2014). "CDC denies autistic children a voice, parents demand they be heard". Examiner. Retrieved 5 September 2014.
  5. Hoernlein, Carol (2 September 2014). "The CDC Whistleblower – Injecting Sanity Into the Vaccine Debate". Epoch Times. Retrieved 5 September 2014.
  6. Farber, Celia (4 September 2014). "Autism Parents Reply to CNN: ‘Hear This Well’". Epoch Times. Retrieved 5 September 2014.

External links