Harry Bell Measures

Redford Cavalry Barracks, Edinburgh
Measures-designed entrance to Oxford Circus station.

Harry Bell Measures (1862–1940) was an English architect.

He had a varied career. In 1884 - 1892 he was in-house architect for William Willett, producing high-quality housing for the well-heeled in London and South East England; these were normally in the ornate red brick Queen Anne style that was popular at the time.

He was responsible for a number of English "improved" housing developments for working men, such as the Rowton Houses in London and Birmingham. He designed the original station buildings for the Central London Railway, now the Central line of London Underground, which opened on 30 July 1900.

He was later the Director of Barrack Construction for the British War Office and was responsible for buildings such as Redford Barracks in Edinburgh.

Houses for Willetts

Other works

Central London Railway stations

Measures designed the following stations on the original section of the Central London Railway:

Measures also designed the original station building for the railway's Wood Lane station, which opened in 1908 for the Franco-British Exhibition, although this was later modified to a design by Stanley Heaps. The station was closed in 1947 and the building has been demolished.


External links

Images of Harry Bell Measures designed Central London Railway stations from London Transport Museum Photographic Archive: