Harlington, Harmondsworth and Cranford Cottage Hospital

Elevation and Plan of the Cottage Hospital. (1884).

Harlington, Harmondsworth and Cranford Cottage Hospital was established in 1884 [1] and opened in 1885.[2]

The cottage hospital was half-way between Harmondsworth and Cranford on the Sipson Road, about four furlongs west of Harlington in western Middlesex, near what is now (2014) Heathrow airport.

The hospital had three wards: the Mary Jewell Ward for Women;[3] General De Salis' Ward for Men;[4] and the Catherine L. Warren Ward for Accidents.[5]

In 1885-1886, for example, 34 patients were treated, there were 54 c. 1910, 46 c. 1913, and 31 c. 1916.[6] In 1910 the total number of days in hospital was 1399; the average stay was 25.9 days; and the average cost per patient per week was £1 5s. 9.75d.[7]

The first trustees were Lord Fitzhardinge (1826-1896), William Fane De Salis (1812-1896) and John Derby Allcroft (1822-1893).[8] The architect was Mr. C. John Mann, the builder was Mr. Henry Carey Belch of Harmondsworth, and the hon. secretary was Alfred Chantler.[9] The 1886 Committee comprised: John D. Allcroft (also treasurer), Wm. Fane De Salis, Henry Large and Robert Newman, and on the Ladies' Committee were Mrs. Allcroft, Mrs. Haddock,[10] Mrs. Fane De Salis, Mrs. Arthur Garratt,[11] and Mrs. Taylor.[12]

Hospital Building Fund and Accounts, May, 1885.

The site of two acres cost £430 11s 4d and preparation of the ground and erection of the buildings came to £1010 11d. The Total cost was £1557 7s 8d.[13]

The earliest contributors were W. Fane De Salis and J. D. Allcroft, who produced the £428 needed for the site; the Honble. Lady Cowell Stepney £100;[14] Mrs. Fane De Salis £50; Mr. Goodbun £50;[15] Mr. [C.] Nightingale £10; Mrs. Nightingale £2; and Mr. Sampson Low £5.[16][17]

Statement as to the need which exists for cottage hospital accommodation in the district, with List of Subscribers and Donations., 1884.
Text of Statement as to the need..., 1884.

In 1913 the Trustees were Cecil Fane De Salis (President, Chairman of Committee, and Hon. Treasurer),[18] Cornelius Surgey (d.1916) and C.T. Mills, MP (k.1915).[19] The committee then was Chas. W. Shackle,[20] Robert Newman,[21] Thomas Wild,[22] William Philp,[23] and R.R. Robbins.[24][25]



Former Cottage Hospital, view from the south-west, 2014.
Rules Bye-laws and Regulations, May, 1887.
Fire insurance receipt, 1912-1913, from the Sun Insurance Office.
  1. Harlington, Harmondsworth and Cranford Cottage Hospital, Report, 28 May 1885: The Committee appointed by the meeting held pursuant to Public Advertisement, at the National School-rooms, Harlington, on the 14th [or 17th] April, 1884, now avail of this opportunity to report to the Subscribers the results of their exertions to secure for the labouring classes of the Parishes of Harlington, Harmondsworth and Cranford, the advantages attendant on the erection and maintenance of a Cottage Hospital.
  2. ..and they hope to open the Hospital for reception of Patients on or before 1st July 1885,. (Report, May 1885)
  3. Mary Jewell, was an ancestor of Allcroft's second wife, probably her mother or grandmother Mary Jewell (1805-1858).
  4. General De Salis, CB, (1811-1880), was an elder brother of W. Fane De Salis, and is buried in Harlington.
  5. Hon. Catherine Leicester (1838–1881), sister of Lady Cowell Stepney, and eldest daughter of 2nd Lord De Tabley by his wife Catherine Barbara De Salis (sister of W. Fane De Salis). She lies buried Harlington, beside her mother who had died in 1869.
  6. Reports for 1886, 1910, 1913 and 1916
  7. 1910 report.
  8. Report, 1885
  9. Alfred Chantler, of Holycroft, Sipson.
  10. wife of Rev. E. J. Haddock.
  11. Georgina Henrietta (1842-1926), wife of Colonel Garratt (d.1919), formerly of Cedar House, Hillindon, and a niece of W. Fane De Salis. Garratt's father had been London's Lord Mayor in 1825.
  12. wife of Rev. J.C. Taylor.
  13. 1885 Report
  14. Hon. Margaret Leicester Warren (1847–1921), a daughter of 2nd Lord De Tabley, and married Sir Arthur Cowell-Stepney, 2nd Baronet, (1834–1909), of Llanelli, in 1875. She was a niece of Wm. Fane De Salis.
  15. William Henry Goodbun, Doghurst, Harlington.
  16. possible the Sampson Low.
  17. COTTAGE HOSPITAL for the parishes of Harlington, Harmondsworth & Cranford. Statement as to the need which exists for cottage hospital accommodation in the district, with List of Subscribers and Donations.
  18. C. F. De Salis (1857-1948) of Dawley Court, Goulds Green, was a nephew of Wm. Fane De Salis (1812-1896), from whom he had inherited Dawley Court. Buried Harlington.
  19. Cornelius Surgey left money to create a charity for the Poor of Heston.
  20. NB. Shackle's Barn in Harlington High Street.
  21. Robert Newman (d. 1924), owned Dawley Manor Farm (154 acres) (VCH, Middlesex, vol. 3).
  22. Thomas Wild, of Sipson.
  23. Phip was a market gardener of Harlington (VCH Middlesex, vol. 3).
  24. Rowland Richard Robbins (1872–1960), CBE (1920), JP, of Hollycroft, Sipson. A farmer and President of the National Farmers' Union (1921 & 1925). In farm partnership with Thomas Wild. Father of the economist Lionel Robbins, Baron Robbins, and of the academic and historian Caroline Robbins (1903-1999).
  25. Report, 1913.
