Harian Rakjat

Harian Rakyat is one of the Indonesian mass media in the period 1950-1965 . Harian Rakyat was first published on January 31, 1951 which was originally named Suara Rakyat . Motto carried by People's Daily is " For the people there is only one daily , Harian Rakyat " . Harian Rakyat offices in South Big Door no. 93 , Jakarta was command by Njoto as an editorial board and Mula Naibaho as a responsible editor .

Ideology and Type of Journalism

Type of journalism carried by Harian Rakyat is the language of confrontation journalism explode , shoot straight and at anywhere . Political lines drawn Harian Rakyat editorial is the frequent conflicts confrontation and conflict with other media . Simply put , the Harian Rakyat has always shown a bold and aggressive stance against its opponents . Style that is used sparingly , agile , and frankly in accordance with the teachings of Marxism and Leninism . Language -efficient , agile and quite frankly it's easy to understand the farmers and laborers who became a mass base of the Communist Party of Indonesia ( PKI ) .

Harian Rakyat arguably the row defender Soekarno Political Manifesto . When the right- wing or conservative newspapers are not too concerned about the Soekarno Manifesto , Harian Rakyat forward into the Political propaganda mouthpiece , anti- imperialist , and considers the newspapers have insulted Soekarno right for not supporting the Manifesto . Harian Rakyat will not print a stance contrary to the ideals of the revolution . Simply put in the contradiction between socialism and capitalism , the Harian Rakyat preferring socialism . Between guided democracy and liberal democracy , Harian Rakyat preferring guided democracy . [1] [2] [3]


  1. Taufik Rahzen, dkk (2007). Seabad Pers Kebangsaan (1907-2007). Yogyakarta: I:Boekoe.
  2. Rhoma Dwi Aria dan Muhidin M. Dahlan (2008). Lekra Tak Membakar Buku. Yogyakarta: Merekasumba.
  3. Arif Zulkifi, dkk (2014). Seri Buku Tempo: Lekra dan Geger 1965. Jakarta: Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia.