Hans Georg Bock

Hans Georg Bock

Hans Georg Bock at the Workshop on Numerical Techniques for Optimization Problems with PDE Constraints, Oberwolfach, 2006
Born May 9, 1948
Bottrop, Germany
Residence Germany
Nationality German
Fields Mathematics
Scientific computing
Institutions University of Heidelberg
Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing
Alma mater University of Bonn
Doctoral advisor

Jens Frehse (mathematician)

Roland Bulirsch (mathematician)
Doctoral students (selection)
Wolfgang Bangerth
Malte Braack
Olaf Deutschmann
Moritz Diehl
Roland Eils
Andreas Prohl
Sebastian Sager
Volker Schulz
Marianne von Schwerin
Reinhold von Schwerin
Marc Steinbach
Franz-Theo Suttmeier
Boris Vexler
Known for

Direct multiple shooting method

Generalized Gauss–Newton method
Notable awards

Honorary Doctorate of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2012)
Medal of Honor, Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz Foundation (2008)
Microsoft Research Award (2004)
Medal of Merit, Ministry for Education and Training, Vietnam (2003)
Honorary Doctorate of the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology (2000)
GEFFRUB Award (1996)
Heinrich Hörlein Memorial Award (1986)

Felix Hausdorff Memorial Award (1984)

Hans Georg Bock (born May 9, 1948) is a German university professor for mathematics and scientific computing. He is managing director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing of the University of Heidelberg since 2005, and has been vice managing director from 1993 to 2004. Hans Georg Bock is a member of the European Mathematical Society's committee for developing countries (CDC-EMS) and responsible member for the region of Asia therein.

In appreciation of his merits with respect to Vietnamese-German relations and his role in the establishment of high performance scientific computing in Vietnam, he was awarded the honorary degree of the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology in 2000. In 2003, he was awarded the Medal of Merit of the Vietnamese Ministry for Education and Training.

Academic profile

Hans Georg Bock graduated from University of Cologne in 1974 with a diploma thesis in mathematics titled "Numerische Optimierung zustandsbeschränkter parameterabhängiger Prozesse mit linear auftretender Steuerung unter Anwendung der Mehrzielmethode" (Numerical optimization of state-constrained parameter-dependent processes with linearly entering controls by application of the direct multiple shooting method) completed under the supervision of professor Roland Z. Bulirsch.

With his Ph.D. thesis "Randwertproblemmethoden zur Parameteridentifizierung in Systemen nichtlinearer Differentialgleichungen" (Boundary-value problem methods for parameter estimation in systems of nonlinear differential equations) completed under the supervision of Jens Frehse and Roland Z. Bulirsch, he received a Ph.D. in applied mathematics from the University of Bonn in 1986.

After staying in Heidelberg for two years as a visiting professor for numerical mathematics from 1987 to 1988, he accepted a full professorship at the University of Augsburg. In 1991 Hans Georg Bock accepted a call onto the chair for scientific computing and optimization at the University of Heidelberg.


Hans Georg Bock authored or co-authored more than 170 scientific publications.[1] In particular, his scientific work comprises advances in the fields of

Teaching and supervision

Under the supervision of Hans Georg Bock, more than 70 diploma theses and more than 30 doctoral theses have been completed. Of his former Ph.D. students, 13 received professorships from German and international higher education institutions.

Hans Georg Bock rendered outstanding services to the development of structured, internationally linked, and interdisciplinary doctoral programs by several innovations like the mentoring system in his positions as speaker of diverse research training groups of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft since 1992 and as director of the Heidelberg Graduate School of mathematical and computational methods for the sciences since November 2007.



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