Hans Christian Hagedorn

Not to be confused with the German philologist of the same name.
Hans Christian Hagedorn (1888-1971)

Hans Christian Hagedorn (1888–1971) was the creator of NPH insulin and Nordisk Insulinlaboratorium. This is known today as Novo Nordisk.


Hagedorn and August Krogh (1874–1949) obtained the rights for insulin from Banting and Best in Toronto. In 1923 they formed Nordisk Insulinlaboratorium, and in 1926 with August Krogh he obtained a Danish Royal Charter as a non-profit foundation.[1]


  1. T. Deckert (August 27, 2007). "Hans Christian Hagedorn (1888-1971)". Ugeskr Laeger 169 (35): 2883. PMID 17877991.