Hans-Jörg Holubitschka

Hans-Jörg Holubitschka (born 29 July 1960 in Seltzer, Westerwald) is a German painter. He studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf at Gerhard Richter, whose master student he was. Holubitschka lives and works in Düsseldorf. At the Ruhrakademie in Schwerte he teaches the subject painting.


After leaving school, Hans-Jörg Holubitschka went on the recommendation of his former art teacher at the high school to Düsseldorf to study from 1980 to 1988 at the Art Academy Duesseldorf with Gerhard Richter. There he met other friends from school, like his fellow painter Thomas Bernstein. An important artist colleague will it be fellow student Bernard Lokai, whom he had met in the class of Gerhard Richter. Other later fellow artists with whom he already be friends during the Academy times, as Stefan Demary, Heinz Hausmann and more accompany him on his other artistic projects.


After finishing his studies, Hans-Jörg Holubitschka devoted to the landscape painting . His favorite subjects are landscapes views among others in southern France, Italy, England with Scotland, Ireland, Spain, landscapes in Germany including his native Westerwald, but also the Swiss Alps and the Bavarian Alps. The "Urban Landscapes" and cityscapes he has been painted include the following cities: Düsseldorf, Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, Orvieto, Mallorca, Rome and Venice. Since the year 2012, he also deals with the theme of "cultural landscapes". For this purpose, it is one of the artificially designed landscapes, such as golf course landscapes. He has been implemented picturesque new visual landscapes following places: The Fifteens (Düsseldorf Golf Club), The Seventh (Hubbelrath Golf Club), Princeville (Hawaii), St Andrews Links (Scotland), Oubaai (South Africa) and Les Dunes (Australia) .

Hans-Jörg Holubitschka does not paint the representational quality of a landscape. The landscape is the medium for him to give the viewer a familiar motif access to its images. He makes use of color and its composition possibilities as an instrument to mental states to express. His images reflect in their color effects and excesses of the painter of the American Color Field painting like Mark Rothko or Clyfford Still . While these painters moved in perfect abstract space, it takes Hans-Jörg Holubutischka, figurative elements of the landscape into abstract color fields to convert.



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