Halloween Addiction
"Halloween Addiction" is a Halloween EP released by Tomoko Kawase under the Tommy heavenly6 persona, and features one track performed by Tommy february6. It contains two previously released "Halloween singles" and one new track. It was released October 17, 2012.[1] Halloween Addiction debuted at #10 on the Oricon chart.
Track listing
All songs written by Tomoko Kawase, all songs performed by Tommy heavenly6 except "Why Don't You Come with Me?" performed by Tommy february6.
1. |
"Opening" | |
2. |
"Carnival" (-楽しいカーニバル-) | |
3. |
"Heavenly6 Is Coming!" (-ヘヴンリーがやってくる!) | |
4. |
"Toss the Summoner's Coin!" (-召喚のコイン!-) | |
5. |
"Why Don't You Come with Me?" (-私と一緒に来てみたらどう?-) | |
6. |
"Story of Shadow Light Princess Twins" (-双子のシャドウ・ライト・プリンセスのお話-) | |
7. |
"Never Ending Party Night" (-決して終わることのないパーティ-) | |
Total length: |
10:31 |
8. |
"Intro" | |
9. |
"The Pumpkin's Forest" (-カボチャの森-) | |
10. |
"It's a Magical Party Mysterious Cake" (-マジカル・パーティー ミステリアス・ケーキ-) | |
11. |
"Lollipop Candy Bad girl 1" (-ロリポップ・キャンディ・バッド・ガール- 1) | |
12. |
"Music Box Sweet Dream A" | |
13. |
"It's a Magical Party My Dream Will Come True" (-夢見るフェブラリー-) | |
14. |
"Lollipop Candy Bad girl 2" (-ロリポップ・キャンディ・バッド・ガール- 2) | |
15. |
"Music Box Sweet Dream B" | |
Total length: |
10:31 |
16. |
"Who Am I...? A" (-私は誰かって?- A) | |
17. |
"Royal Darkness Tea Party" (-ロイヤル・ダークネス・ティー・パーティ-) | |
18. |
"Music Box I'm Your Devil" | |
19. |
"I'm Your Devil" (-私はあなたの悪魔よ-) | |
20. |
"Be Ready for the Nightmare" (-悪夢への準備-) | |
21. |
"Who Am I...? B" (-私は誰かって?- B) | |
Total length: |
10:31 |
1. |
"Never Ending Party Night: Why Don't You Come with Me?" (-私と一緒に来てみたらどう?-) |
2. |
"Never Ending Party Night: Never Ending Party Night" (-決して終わることのないパーティ-) |
3. |
"Lollipop Candy Bad girl" |
4. |
"I'm Your Devil: Halloween Remix" |
| Studio Albums | |
| Compilation Albums | |
| Extended Plays | |
| Singles | |
| Digital Singles | |