HPC Challenge Benchmark

HPC Challenge Benchmark
Original author(s) Innovative Computing Laboratory, University of Tennessee
Stable release 1.4.1
Development status Active
Platform Cross-platform
License BSD
Website http://icl.cs.utk.edu/hpcc/

The HPC Challenge Benchmark is a set of benchmarks targeting to test multiple attributes that can contribute substantially to the real-world performance of high-performance computer (HPC) systems, co-sponsored by the DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems program, the United States Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation.[1]

It consists at this time of 7 benchmarks: HPL, STREAM, RandomAccess, PTRANS, FFTE, DGEMM and b_eff Latency/Bandwidth. HPL is the LINPACK TPP (Toward Peak Performance) benchmark. The test stresses the floating point performance of a system. STREAM is a benchmark that measures sustainable memory bandwidth. RandomAccess measures the rate of random updates of memory. PTRANS measures the rate of transfer for larges arrays of data from multiprocessor's memory. Latency/Bandwidth measures latency and bandwidth of communication patterns of increasing complexity between as many nodes as is time-wise feasible.[2]

The annual HPC Challenge Award Competition at the Supercomputing Conference focuses on four of the most challenging benchmarks in the suite:

There are two classes of awards:

See also


  1. "Cray X1 Supercomputer Has Highest Reported Scores on Government-Sponsored HPC Challenge Benchmark Tests". 2004-06-14. Retrieved 2010-01-22.
  2. "HPCC FAQ". University of Tennessee. Retrieved 2010-01-22.
  3. "HPC Challenge Award Competition". DARPA HPCS Program. Retrieved 2010-01-23.

External links