HMS Seagull

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Seagull or HMS Sea Gull, after the gull:[Note 1]

In addition, in 1796 when the British captured Demerara, they captured, among other vessels, a 12-gun cutter, the Zeemeeuw (Seagull), which they took into service as Seagull and put under the command of a Lieutenant Lloyd; she apparently foundered soon after. She was possibly the 8th Charter Zeemeeuw, built at Zeeland and launched c.1781, which disappears from the Dutch records in 1796. Her dimensions, in Dutch feet of 11 Rotterdam inches, were 58'½ x 20' x 7' 7/11".[2]

See also

Notes, sources and references

  1. The underlying reason is that around 1810, +/- a decade, English spelling for a number of words changed abruptly. Until 1800-10s, notices in the London Gazette used the spelling Sea Gull; afterwards they used the spelling Seagull.
  1. Hepper (1994), p.110.
  2. van Maanen.
  3. The London Gazette: no. 16309. p. 1693. 24 Oct 1809.
  4. Lloyd's Marine List, - accessed 30 November 2013.