HMS Royal Charlotte

Six vessels of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS (or HMY) Royal Charlotte, after Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, consort of King George III.

HM Excise and Customs

HM hired ships

References exist to hired armed vessels serving the Royal Navy.

Shore Establishment

There were two Royal Navy wireless stations doing SIGINT work in West Germany after WWII, HMS Royal Albert at Cuxhaven, early 1950s, and HMS Royal Charlotte at Kiel, later 1950s.

See also


  1. Malcomson (2001), p.160.
  2. The London Gazette: no. 12145. p. 5. 16 December 1780.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Letter of Marque (LoM), – accessed 15 May 2011.
  4. Smith (1983), p.84.
  5. House of COmmons (1802), Vol. 15, p.337.
  6. The Edinburgh magazine, or Literary miscellany (August 1789), p.28.
  7. Norie (1842), p.479.
  8. Grant (1880), p.280.
  9. Mahan (1898), p.547.
  10. Naval Chronicle, Vol. 17, pp.79-80.
  11. Marx (1987), p.444.
