HMS Daffodil (1917)

HMS Daffodil (1940) - TF3 train ferry

During World War II, three train ferry ships (TF1, TF2 & TF3) which had been built during World War I were requisitioned by the Royal Navy. TF2 was lost off Saint-Valéry en Caux on 13 June 1940. In 1940 TF1 and TF3 were renamed HMS Princess Iris and HMS Daffodil, after the ex-Mersey ferries used in the famous World War I Zeebrugge raid. In 1941 HMS Princess Iris and HMS Daffodil were converted into Landing Ship Sternchute (LSS) and used as locomotive transports. HMS Daffodil (ex-TF3) was lost off Dieppe on 18 March 1945, after striking a mine leaving only HMS Princess Iris (ex-TF1) to survive the war. The wreck of HMS Daffodil has been photographed by the Grieme organisation.

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