
Enterobacteria phage HK97
Virus classification
Group: Group I (dsDNA)
Order: Caudovirales
Family: Siphoviridae
Genus: Lambdalikevirus
Species: HK97

HK97 is a bacterial virus, bacteriophage, known to infect Escherichia coli and related bacteria. It is named for the site of its isolation (Hong Kong). Like lambda phage and other lambdoid phages, HK97 has a double-stranded DNA genome.

Assembly and maturation

The capsid protein of HK97, gp5, cross-links upon maturation to form a concatenated chain-mail like structure. [1] The bacteriophage undergoes a maturation process upon DNA packaging during which it expands by nearly 5 nm and changes from spherically symmetrical to icosahedrally symmetrical.

The HK97 assembly pathway begins with self-assembly of the capsid protein, gp5, into pentamers and hexamers. A protease, gp4, cleaves gp5 at its N-terminus. Attachment of a portal protein, gp3, coupled with conformational changes leads to formation of a prohead or procapsid structure. Further conformational changes and crosslinking of gp5 monomers comprise further capsid maturation and lead to formation of a mature phage head. [2]


  1. Helgstrand, Charlotte; Wikoff, William R; Duda, Robert L; Hendrix, Roger W; Johnson, John E; Liljas, Lars (1 December 2003). "The Refined Structure of a Protein Catenane: The HK97 Bacteriophage Capsid at 3.44Å Resolution". Journal of Molecular Biology 334 (5): 885–899. doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2003.09.035.
  2. Hendrix, RW; Johnson, JE (2012). "Bacteriophage HK97 capsid assembly and maturation.". Advances in experimental medicine and biology 726: 351–63. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-0980-9_15. PMID 22297521.

Further reading

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