HIJOS is an acronym for Hijos por la Identidad y la Justicia contra el Olvido y el Silencio (English: Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice Against Oblivion and Silence). It is the name of organizations of the children of people who were "disappeared" in Argentina and in Guatemala. The Argentine organization was founded in 1995 in Córdoba and La Plata. The Guatemalan organization, founded in 1999 and based in Guatemala City, has received many death threats from government sympathizers. One of the things HIJOS does to raise awareness is to paint graffiti style murals dealing with the death of their relatives and how Guatemalan youth and Mayan youth are treated.
In Argentina, HIJOS in 1995 started to perform escraches to raise public awareness about former dirty-war criminals being free on the streets despite their crimes.[1]
External links
- Official Buenos Aires website
- ↑ H.I.J.O.S., Astiz ya no camina por las calles, Página 12, 2012, http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-187955-2012-02-20.html