HD suisse

HD Suisse
Launched 3 December 2007
Closed 31 January 2012
Owned by SRG SSR
Picture format 16:9, 720p (HDTV)
Slogan Le plein de sensations
(Full of sensations)
Country Switzerland
Language French, German, Italian, Romansh
Cablecom[1] Channel 070 (digital CH-D)

HD suisse is a former Swiss high-definition television channel operated by the public service broadcaster SRG SSR. This was the 8th channel launched by SRG SSR, and the first Swiss television channel available in high definition.[2]

The channel began broadcasting on 3 December 2007, at 20:00 CET.[2]

Programming came from the four TV networks operated by SRG SSR (Schweizer Fernsehen, Télévision Suisse Romande, Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana and Radio Television Rumantscha), plus music concerts and documentaries (produced by National Geographic Channel).

The channel broadcast in all four national languages of Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh.[2]

HD suisse was closed on 31 January 2012, in preparations to launch HD versions of SRG SSR's channels; SRF 1, SRF zwei, RTS Un, RTS Deux, RSI La 1 and RSI La 2 on 29 February 2012.[3]


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