
Developer(s) Brown, CMU, MIT, Yale
Stable release May 2014 / May 27, 2014
Written in C++, Java
Operating system Linux, Mac OS X
Type Database Management System
License BSD License, GPL
Website Official Website

H-Store is an experimental database management system (DBMS) designed for online transaction processing applications that is being developed by a team at Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Yale University.[1][2] The system's design was developed in 2007 by database researchers Michael Stonebraker, Sam Madden, Andy Pavlo and Daniel Abadi.[3][4][5]


The significance of the H-Store is that it is the first implementation of a new class of parallel database management systems, called NewSQL,[6][7] that provide the high-throughput and high-availability of NoSQL systems, but without giving up the transactional guarantees of a traditional DBMS.[8] Such systems are able to scale out horizontally across multiple machines to improve throughput, as opposed to moving to a more powerful, more expensive machine for a single-node system.[9]

H-Store is able to execute transaction processing with high throughput by forgoing much of legacy architecture of System R-like systems. For example, H-Store was designed as a parallel, row-storage relational DBMS that runs on a cluster of shared-nothing, main memory executor nodes.[10] The database is partitioned into disjoint subsets that are assigned to a single-threaded execution engine assigned to one and only one core on a node. Each engine has exclusive access to all of the data at its partition. Because it is single-threaded, only one transaction at a time is able to access the data stored at its partition. Thus, there are no physical locks or latches in the system, and no transaction will stall waiting for another transaction once it is started.[11]


H-Store is licensed under the BSD license and GPL licenses. The commercial version of H-Store's design is VoltDB.[12]

See also


  1. "H-Store - Next Generation OLTP DBMS Research". Retrieved 2011-08-07.
  2. Van Couvering, David (2008). "Stonebraker's H-Store: There's something happenin' here" (published 2011-03-11). Retrieved 2012-07-18.
  3. Stonebraker, Mike; et al. (2007). "The end of an architectural era: (it's time for a complete rewrite)" (PDF). VLDB '07: Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases. Vienna, Austria.
  4. Kallman, Robert; Kimura, Hideaki and Natkins, Jonathan and Pavlo, Andrew and Rasin, Alexander and Zdonik, Stanley and Jones, Evan P. C. and Madden, Samuel and Stonebraker, Michael and Zhang, Yang and Hugg, John and Abadi, Daniel J. (2008). "H-Store: a high-performance, distributed main memory transaction processing system". Proc. VLDB Endowment. 2 1: 1496–1499. ISSN 2150-8097.
  5. Monash, Curt (2008). "Mike Stonebraker calls for the complete destruction of the old DBMS order" (published 2008-02-18). Retrieved 2012-07-18.
  6. Aslett, Matthew (2010). "How Will The Database Incumbents Respond To NoSQL And NewSQL?". 451 Group (published 2011-04-04). Retrieved 2012-07-06.
  7. Stonebraker, Michael (2011-06-16). "NewSQL: An Alternative to NoSQL and Old SQL for New OLTP Apps". Communications of the ACM. Retrieved 2012-07-06.
  8. Thomas, Nigel (2008). "H-Store - a new architectural era, or just a toy?" (published 2008-03-01). Retrieved 2012-07-05.
  9. Aslett, Matthew (2008). "Is H-Store the future of database management systems?" (published 2008-03-04). Retrieved 2012-07-05.
  10. "H-Store - Architecture Overview". Retrieved 2011-08-07.
  11. Dignan, Larry (2008). "H-Store: Complete destruction of the old DBMS order?". Retrieved 2012-07-05.
  12. Monash, Curt (2009). "H-Store is now VoltDB". Retrieved 2011-07-14.