
Hōjōki (方丈記), variously translated as An Account of My Hut or The Ten Foot Square Hut, is an important and popular short work of the early Kamakura period (1185–1333) in Japan by Kamo no Chōmei. Written in 1212, the work depicts the Buddhist concept of impermanence (mujō) through the description of various disasters such as earthquake, famine, whirlwind and conflagration that befall the people of capital city Kyoto. The author Chōmei, who in his early career worked as court poet and was also an accomplished player of biwa and koto,becomes a Buddhist monk in his fifties and moves farther and farther into the mountains, eventually living in a 10-foot square hut located at Mt. Hino. Although the work is commonly classified as belonging to the zuihitsu genre, but considering the Buddhist elements underneath the work, some scholars even claim it to be Buddhist literary work. Now considered as a Japanese literary classic, the work remains part of the Japanese school curriculum.

The opening sentence of Hōjōki is famous in Japanese literature as an expression of mujō, the transience of things:

The current of the flowing river does not cease, and yet the water is not the same water as before. The foam that floats on stagnant pools, now vanishing, now forming, never stays the same for long. So, too, it is with the people and dwellings of the world. (Chambers)

This invites comparison with the "Panta rhei" (everything flows) employed to characterize Heraclitus, which uses the same image of a changing river, and the Latin adages Omnia mutantur and Tempora mutantur.

The text was heavily influenced by Yoshishige no Yasutane's Chiteiki (982).[1] In addition, Chōmei based his small hut, and much of his philosophical outlook, on the accounts of the Indian sage Vimalakīrti from the Vimalakīrti Sūtra.[2]


Chōmei's original manuscript is extant, which is a rare phenomenon. Numerous copies have been made and circulated. These are divided into two major categories: kōhon (complete) and ryakubon (incomplete). The kōhon category is further subcategorized into kohon (old) and rufubon (popular), while the ryakubon is subcategorized into Chōkyō, Entoku, and Mana. The Chōkyō and Entoku editions are named after the era date in the afterward and both include extra passages. The Mana editions are written entirely in kanji replacing the kana in the kohon editions.[3]

See also


  1. Kubota (2007:315)
  2. Kamo, Yanase (1967:57, 68)
  3. Kamo, Yanase (1967:154–57)


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