György Kulin
Asteroids discovered: 21 | |
1436 Salonta | December 11, 1936 |
1441 Bolyai | November 26, 1937 |
1442 Corvina | December 29, 1937 |
1444 Pannonia | January 6, 1938 |
1445 Konkolya | January 6, 1938 |
1452 Hunnia | February 26, 1938 |
1489 Attila | April 12, 1939 |
1513 Mátra | March 10, 1940 |
1538 Detre | September 8, 1940 |
1546 Izsák | September 28, 1941 |
1710 Gothard | October 20, 1941 |
2043 Ortutay | November 12, 1936 |
2058 Róka | January 22, 1938 |
2242 Balaton | October 13, 1936 |
2712 Keaton | December 29, 1937 |
2738 Viracocha | March 12, 1940 |
3019 Kulin | January 7, 1940 |
3380 Awaji | March 15, 1940 |
3427 Szentmártoni | January 6, 1938 |
7317 Cabot | March 12, 1940 |
(10258) 1940 AB | January 6, 1940 |
György Kulin (Nagyszalonta 28 January 1905–22 April 1989 Budapest) was a Hungarian astronomer.
He discovered 21 asteroids and is a co-discoverer of the comet C/1942 C1 (Whipple-Bernasconi-Kulin).
In addition to astronomy he also wrote some science fiction.[1]
External links
- Kulin György emlékoldal (Remembering György Kulin) – impressive website associated with the celebrations held in January 2005, the centenary of his birth, with picture gallery and downloadable (but large) sound and video files. Includes comprehensive bibliography. The site is in Hungarian. Accessed 20 July 2005