Gunongan Historical Park

Kandang Taman Ghairah
The Gunongan around 1910-1930

Gunongan Historical Park is located in the Aceh Province of Sumatra, Indonesia. Possibly built by Iskandar Muda, the grounds of the historical park contain a 17th Century palace, garden, and white circular structure whose purpose is unknown, the Gunongan, after which the park has been named. [1]

World Heritage Status

This site was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List on October 19th, 1995 in the Cultural category.[2] it is a great place to visit in Indonesia.


  1. Eliot, J & Jane Bickersteth (2000) p 126
  2. Gunongan Historical Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre


Gunongan Historical Park - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Accessed 2009-02-27.

Eliot, J & Jane Bickersteth (2000), Sumatra Handbook, Footprint Travel Guides. ISBN 1-900949-59-8

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Gunongan.