Gulf of Odessa

Gulf of Odessa

Vorontsov Lighthouse, Odessa
Location Black Sea
Coordinates 46°28′N 30°46′E / 46.467°N 30.767°E
Ocean/sea sources Atlantic Ocean
Basin countries Ukraine
Salinity 10-17 ‰
Settlements Odessa

Gulf of Odessa, or Odessa Bay, is a part of the Black Sea between cape E in North and Cape Velyky Fontan in South. The coasts of the gulf have capes Langeron and Malyi Fontan. In the north-western part of the gulf the estuaries Kuyalnik and Khadzhibey are separated by the Kuyalnik-Khadzhibey sandbar.

The Gulf of Odessa is under the influence of the flows of the rivers Dnieper, Dniester, and Danube. The salinity of the surface waters is 10–17‰, in the case of upwelling wilgs up to 18‰,[1] in some years about 5–7‰.[2]

The City of Odessa and the Port of Odessa are located on the coasts of the gulf.


  1. Zaitsev Yu.P. (1992) Ekologicheskoye sostoyaniye shelfovoy zony Chernogo morya u poberezhya Ukrainy (obzor). Hydrobiol. J., 28(4): 3–18. (in Russian)
  2. Garkavaya G.P., Bogatova Yu.I., Berlinskiy N.A., Goncharov A.Yu. (2000) Rayonirovaniye Ukrainskogo sektora severo-zapadnoy chasti Chernogo morya (po gidrofizicheskim i gidrohimicheskim harakteristikam) [In:] Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost pribrezhnyh i shelfovyh zon i kompleksnoje ispolzovaniye resursov shelfa, Ed.: V.A. Ivanov et al., Sevastopol, Ekosi-Gidrofizika, pp. 9–24. (in Russian)

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Gulf of Odessa.