Guido Altarelli

Guido Altarelli (born July 12, 1941 in Rome) is an Italian theoretical physicist. He graduated in Physics from Rome University in 1963 with Raoul Gatto whom he followed to the University of Florence (1965–68). He held positions at New York University (1968–69), the Rockefeller University (New York, 1969–70), l’Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris (76-77, 81) and Boston University (85-86). In 1970-92 he held a faculty position at the "La Sapienza" University in Rome (full professor of theoretical physics since 1980). He was Director of the Rome Section of the INFN (1985–87). In 1992 he moved to the newly established University of Roma Tre.[1]

In 1987-2006 he was a Senior Staff Physicist at the Theory Division of CERN, and was Theory Division Leader from 2000-04. At CERN he had a leading role in the interpretation of SppS results, in the preparation of LEP and the LHC and in the theoretical analysis of the experimental results.

His best known contribution, obtained with Giorgio Parisi in 1977, is the derivation of the QCD evolution equations for parton densities, known as the Altarelli- Parisi or DGLAP equations.[2]



  1. "The title of the IFJ PAN Honorary Professor conferred on Guido Altarelli". September 16, 2013. Retrieved March 12, 2014.
  2. G. Altarelli and G. Parisi (1977). "Asymptotic Freedom in Parton Language". Nuclear Physics B126 (2): 298–318. doi:10.1016/0550-3213(77)90384-4.
  3. "Faces and places: Polish institute makes Guido Altarelli honorary professor". CERN Courier 53 (10): 33. December 2013.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Schaeffer, Anaïs (February 2012). "I can't wait to find out what Nature has in store for us". CERN Bulletin. 06-07.