Guerrilla warfare in the Peninsular War

Guerrilla warfare in the Peninsular War refers to the armed actions carried out by non-regular troops against Napoleon's Grand Armée in Spain and Portugal during the Peninsular War. These armed men were constant source of harassment to the French army, as described by a Prussian officer fighting for the French: "Wherever we arrived, they disappeared, whenever we left, they arrived — they were everywhere and nowhere, they had no tangible center which could be attacked."[1]

Apart from the odd setback, such as General Castaños' surprise victory at Bailén, in part due to guerrilla warfare between Madrid and Andalusia, and especially in the Sierra Morena, a victory which helped persuade the British government that Napoleon could be defeated, the French troops were largely undefeated on the open battlefield.

A list drawn up in 1812 puts the figure of such irregular troops in Spain alone at 38,520 men, divided into 22 guerrilla bands.[2]

Although locally organised militia had been deployed in Portugal and Spain before, particularly in the regions of Catalonia and Valencia, where thousands of well-organised "miquelets" (also known as "somatenes") had already proved their worth in the Catalan revolt of 1640 and in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714),[3] it was during the Peninsular War, referred to by Spaniards as the War of Independence, that such armed forces became active on a nationwide basis.

Well aware of how successful both urban and rural guerrilla warfare had been so far, on 28 December 1808 the Junta Central Suprema issued the Reglamento de partidas y Cuadrillas, a decree regulating the formation of guerrilla troops.[4] This would be followed by other decrees in 1809, authorising the "Corso Terrestre" ("Land Corsairs") to keep for themselves any money, supplies and equipment that they were able to take from the French.[2] In effect, in some cases, this meant that they were little more than brigands who were, in some cases, feared by French troops and the civilian population alike. Little by little, these groups would be incorporated into the regular Spanish Army and their cabecillas (leaders) given regular military ranks.

By the end of 1809, the damage caused by the guerrilla led to the Dutch Brigade, under major-general Chassé being deployed, almost exclusively and, largely unsuccessfully, in counter-guerrilla warfare in La Mancha.

Notable actions

Famous guerrilleros

Folklore would often elevate the status of local heroes, but some of the better-known guerrilleros include the following:

See also


  1. Talbott, John (1978) "Guerrilla Warfare" Virginia Quarterly Review. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Esdaile, Charles J. (2004) Fighting Napoleon: Guerrillas, Bandits and Adventurers in Spain, 1808-1814, pp. 106–8. Yale University Press At Google Books. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  3. Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Miquelets". Encyclopædia Britannica 18 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 566. At Wikisource. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  4. (Spanish) "Guerrilleros" El Periódico de Aragón. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  5. (Spanish) "El jefe del Corso Terrestre y un héroe de México" Diario de Navarra. Retrieved 14 September 2013.