Grrr Records

Founded in 1975 by Jean-Jacques Birgé,[1] GRRR is a French independent record label of new music.

The first LP was Défense de by Birgé-Gorgé-Shiroc which became a cult-album [2] after having been quoted in the famous Nurse with Wound list. Producer of vinyles at first, GRRR has been issuing CDs since 1987 with L'hallali by Un Drame Musical Instantané,[3] led by multi-instrumentalist Jean-Jacques Birgé, trumpetist Bernard Vitet and guitarist Francis Gorgé,[4] main group of the label which also produced the albums of multi-instrumentalist composer Hélène Sage, accordionist Michèle Buirette and female trio Pied de Poule (M. Buirette, bassist Geneviève Cabannes and singer Dominique Fonfrède). In 1997, Carton by Birgé-Vitet (with Michel Séméniako's photographies) is their first enhanced-CD and Birgé's first multimedia artwork as an author. It will be followed by Machiavel [5] by Un d.m.i. (CD-audio + CD-ROM), which interactive part is a behaviour object and a video scratch of 111 loops by J-J. Birgé and Antoine Schmitt.[6] Last albums produced by GRRR, are Établissement d'un ciel d'alternance, duet with Birgé and famous French writer Michel Houellebecq who reads his own text (#26), and Échappée belle by Hélène Sage (#27).

Since 2011 GRRR has issued 124 hours of unissued, freely downlable, material (63 online albums, 849 music pieces) on site (Random Radio).

GRRR belongs to association Les Allumés du Jazz, 66 French independent jazz and improvised music labels.

See also


  1. (English) Site Turbulence
  2. (French) Frédéric Goaty in Jazz Magazine (n°546, mars 2004)
  3. (French) Francis Maramande in Le Monde (27 April 1989)
  4. (French) Site Assez Vu
  5. (French) Gérard Pangon in Télérama (#2554, 23 December 1998)
  6. Machiavel, free download on

External links