Groupe du musée de l'Homme

The Groupe du musée de l'Homme (French: group of the museum of man) was a movement in the French resistance to the Nazi occupation during the Second World War.

In July 1940 (ie after the Appeal of 18 June of General Charles de Gaulle) a resistance group was created by intellectuals and academic led by Anatole Lewitsky and Boris Vildé along with Paul Hauet. They were not Gaullistes, indeed given that they were prisoners of war (Vildé escaped on 5 July, Lewitsky was freed in August) it is highly improbable that they had heard de Gaulle's broadcast, but once the Gaullist propaganda with its proffered escape from dishonour took hold the group fell in with it - Germaine Trillon: "I do not remember from what date we started to call ourselves Gaullistes - it was not at the beginning at any rate. But we did consider General de Gaulle to be right, or at least to be a man who thought as we did. But we knew nothing about him.".[1] They were joined by other groups in September. Raymond Burgard, René Iché, Claude Aveline, Marcel Abraham, Jean Cassou (who launched the newspaper Résistance), René-Yves Creston, Germaine Tillion and her mother Émilie Tillion were also part of the network.

To avoid their meetings attracting the attention of the Germans and the French police, they set up a "literary society", Les amis d'Alain-Fournier (Friends of Alain-Fournier).

Members of the group


  1. Michal, Bernard (1968). Les grandes énigmes de la résistance. Paris 5e: Les Amis de l'Histoire. pp. 27–29.

Bibliography (French)

External links (French)