
Grontmij N.V.
Grontmij at a glance
Founded 1915
Location Netherlands, De Holle Bilt 22, De Bilt, Netherlands
Key people Michiel Jaski (CEO)
Industry Multidisciplinairy design, consultancy and engineering firm
Products Environmental management and design, urban planning, building, construction, land use, leisure and landscaping, mobility management, roads, railways, tunnels, waterways, traffic management systems and airports, water, waste water treatment, industry, process, sustainable industrial processes, energy techniques and renewable energy, scientific and technical knowledge used in construction, including geotechnical studies, structural and material diagnostics and pathologies, product audits and certifications and maintenance and monitoring
Employees appr. 10,000
Revenue Increase € 922 million(2010)
Profit Increase € 17,3 million (2010)

Grontmij is an engineering consultancy based in the Netherlands. It is the third largest engineering consultancy in Europe with approximately 10,000 employees and almost 300 offices across the region and a further 50 offices globally.


In 1913 Doedo Veenhuizen, a farmer by trade, started a company focusing on cultivating wasteland, helping farmers protect against flooding and reclaiming land. In 1915 the company was founded as an N.V. (a form of Limited Liability Company in the Netherlands). While business expanded, Grontmij is still active in its core business of land reclamation and cultivation. The name 'Grontmij' originates from the letters in the Dutch words for soil improvement (GRondverbetering) and reclamation company (ONTginningMaatschappIJ).


Grontmij has grown both organically and through acquisitions. In August 2006, Grontmij acquired the Carl Bro Group which meant the company doubled in size. In June 2010 Grontmij acquired the French engineering company Ginger Groupe and added a fourth business line, Monitoring & Testing. With the French acquisition, Grontmij operates in four regions, namely: Benelux, France, Nordic, United Kingdom and Central & Eastern Europe.

Board of Directors

Executive Board

- On December 19, 2011, it was announced that mr. Thijssen resigned with immediate effect. Mr. C.M. (Michiel) Jaski (born 1959, Dutch nationality) was appointed as his successor for a period of four years.

- F. (Frits) Vervoort (born 1962, Dutch nationality), CFO Grontmij N.V.; responsible for group Investor relations, Finance, Treasury and IT. Replaced D.M. (Mel) Zuydam (born 1961, British/Dutch nationality) per April 1, 2012.

- G.P. (Gert) Dral (born 1955, Dutch nationality), member of the Executive Board; Group Director Planning & Design; responsible for the Nordic region, Turkey, Hungary and China; Chairman Professional and Management Development Committee.

Supervisory Board

- F.L.V. (François) Meysman (born 1952, Belgian nationality), chairman. Appointed 2001, reappointed 2005, 2009.

- S.E. (Sjoerd) Eisma (born 1949, Dutch nationality), member. Appointed 2005, reappointed 2009.

- R.J.A. (René) van der Bruggen (born 1947, Dutch nationality), member. Appointed 2010.

- P.P. ( Philippe) Montagner (born 1942, French nationality), member. Appointed 2010.

- J.H.J. Zegering Hadders (born 1946, Dutch nationality), member. Appointed 2005, reappointed 2009.


Grontmij operates in four business lines and four regions. The four business lines reflect the division of professional services for specific market segments.


Grontmij has offices in the following countries:

Afghanistan, Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, China, Congo, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, France, French Guiana, Germany, Guinea, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Martinique, Mayotte, Moldova, Netherlands, New Caledonia, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Polynesia, Qatar, Reunion Island, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Sweden, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.

External links
