Gronchi Rosa

Gronchi Rosa
Country of production Italy
Date of production 2 July 1961
Nature of rarity Design error
Number in existence unknown
Face value L. 205

The Gronchi Rosa is a rare Italian postage stamp design error. It was part of a 1961 issue for the voyage of president Giovanni Gronchi to three South American countries.

The 205 liras rosa was intended for the stopover in Peru. The artist made a mistake with the boundaries between Peru and Ecuador. The rose-colored stamp was quickly replaced by a grey version with corrected boundaries, but some philatelic souvenirs using the Gronchi Rosa already existed. A forgery of this stamp is known to exist.[1]

Corrected borders on replacement

See also


  1. "Fakes Forgeries Experts Journal # 1". FFE journal. Postiljonen. Retrieved 2007-03-24.