Great retrosnub icosidodecahedron

Great retrosnub icosidodecahedron
TypeUniform star polyhedron
ElementsF = 92, E = 150
V = 60 (χ = 2)
Faces by sides(20+60){3}+12{5/2}
Wythoff symbol|3/2 5/3 2
Symmetry groupI, [5,3]+, 532
Index referencesU74, C90, W117
Dual polyhedronGreat pentagrammic hexecontahedron
Vertex figure
Bowers acronymGirsid

In geometry, the great retrosnub icosidodecahedron or great inverted retrosnub icosidodecahedron is a nonconvex uniform polyhedron, indexed as U74. It is given a Schläfli symbol s{3/2,5/3}.

Cartesian coordinates

Cartesian coordinates for the vertices of a great retrosnub icosidodecahedron are all the even permutations of

(±2α, ±2, ±2β),
(±(αβτ−1/τ), ±(α/τ+βτ), ±(−ατβ/τ−1)),
(±(ατβ/τ+1), ±(−αβτ+1/τ), ±(−α/τ+β+τ)),
(±(ατβ/τ−1), ±(α+βτ+1/τ), ±(−α/τ+βτ)) and
(±(αβτ+1/τ), ±(−α/τβτ), ±(−ατβ/τ+1)),

with an even number of plus signs, where

α = ξ−1/ξ


β = −ξ/τ+1/τ2−1/(ξτ),

where τ = (1+5)/2 is the golden mean and ξ is the smaller positive real root of ξ3−2ξ=−1/τ, namely

\xi=\frac{\left(1+i \sqrt3\right)\left(\frac1{2 \tau}+\sqrt{\frac{\tau^{-2}}4-\frac8{27}}\right)^\frac13+
\left(1-i \sqrt3\right)\left(\frac1{2 \tau}-\sqrt{\frac{\tau^{-2}}4-\frac8{27}}\right)^\frac13}2

or approximately 0.3264046. Taking the odd permutations of the above coordinates with an odd number of plus signs gives another form, the enantiomorph of the other one.

See also

External links