Graph amalgamation

In graph theory, a graph amalgamation is a relationship between two graphs (one graph is an amalgamation of another). Similar relationships include subgraphs and minors. Amalgamations can provide a way to reduce a graph to a simpler graph while keeping certain structure intact. The amalgamation can then be used to study properties of the original graph in an eaiser to understand context. Applications include embeddings,[1] computing genus distribution,[2] and Hamiltonian decompositions.


Let G and H be two graphs with the same number of edges where G has more vertices than H. Then we say that H is an amalgamation of G if there is a bijection \phi: E(G) \to E(H) and a surjection \psi: V(G) \to V(H) and the following hold:

Note that while G can be a graph or a pseudograph, it will usually be the case that H is a pseudograph.


Edge colorings are invariant to amalgamation. This is obvious, as all of the edges between the two graphs are in bijection with each other. However, what may not be obvious, is that if G is a complete graph of the form K_{2n+1}, and we color the edges as to specify a Hamiltonian decomposition (a decomposition into Hamiltonian paths, then those edges also form a Hamiltonian Decomposition in H.


FIgure 1: An amalgamation of the complete graph on five vertices.

Figure 1 illustrates an amalgamation of K_5. The invariance of edge coloring and Hamiltonian Decomposition can be seen clearly. The function \phi is a bijection and is given as letters in the figure. The function \psi is given in the table below.

v \in V(G) \phi(v)
v_1 u_2
v_2 u_2
v_3 u_1
v_4 u_3
v_5 u_2

Hamiltonian decompositions

One of the ways in which amalgamations can be used is to find Hamiltonian Decompositions of complete graphs with 2n + 1 vertices.[4] The idea is to take a graph and produce an amalgamation of it which is edge colored in n colors and satisfies certain properties (called an outline Hamiltonian decomposition). We can then 'reverse' the amalgamation and we are left with K_{2n+1} colored in a Hamiltonian Decomposition.

In [3] Hilton outlines a method for doing this, as well as a method for finding all Hamiltonian Decompositions without repetition. The methods rely on a theorem he provides which states (roughly) that if we have an outline Hamiltonian decomposition, we could have arrived at it by first starting with a Hamiltonian decomposition of the complete graph and then finding an amalgamation for it.


  1. Gross, Tucker 1987
  2. Gross 2011
  3. 3.0 3.1 Hilton 1984
  4. Bahmanian, Amin; Rodger, Chris 2012
