Grand Forks Public Schools
Grand Forks Public Schools (GFPS) is a system of K-12 schools in Grand Forks, North Dakota, United States. GFPS comprises two school districts: the Grand Forks School District and the Grand Forks Air Force Base School District. There are twelve elementary schools, four middle schools, and two high schools. GFPS also operates an alternative high school, an adult learning center, and a Head Start program. GFPS employs 1,100 people and instructs 7,200 students.
Current district administration includes:
- Dr. Larry P. Nybladh - Superintendent of Schools
- Mr. Jody Thompson - Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
- Ms. Vicky Schwartz - Business Manager
- Mr. Mark Rerick - Director of Athletics
- Mr. Mike Stefen - Director of Buildings & Grounds
- Mr. Eric Ripley - Director of Career and Technical Education
- Mrs. Julie Tunseth - Director of Child Nutrition
- Dr. Terry Brenner - Director of Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Professional Development
- Ms. Virginia Tupa - Director of Instructional Services
- Dr. Tricia Lee - Director of Special Services
- Dr. Joel Schleicher - Director of Technology
- Dr. Jerry Jonnson - Director of Head Start
Current School Principals include:
- Dr. Beth Randklev - Principal, Ben Franklin Elementary School
- Mr. Marlon "Buck" Kasowski - Principal, Central High School
- Dr. Gabe Dahl - Associate Principal, Central High School
- Mr. Jon Strandell - Associate Principal, Central High School
- Mrs. Cindy Cochran - Principal, Century Elementary School
- Mr. Terry Bohan - Principal, Community Alternative High School
- Ms. Angie Jonasson - Principal, Carl Ben Eielson Elementary School
- Mr. Mike LaMoine - Principal, J. Nelson Kelly Elementary School
- Dr. Roanne Malm - Principal, Lake Agassiz Elementary School
- Mr. Scott Johnson - Principal, Lewis and Clark Elementary School
- Mr. Kevin Ohnstad - Principal, Phoenix Elementary School
- Mr. Kris Arason - Principal, Red River High School
- Mr. Chris Douthit - Associate Principal, Red River High School
- Dr. Kelly Peters - Associate Principal, Red River High School
- Ms. Catherine Gillach - Principal, Elroy Schroeder Middle School
- Mrs. Judy Anderson - Associate Principal, Elroy Schroeder Middle School
- Mrs. Nancy Dutot - Principal, South Middle School
- Mr. Terry West - Associate Principal, South Middle School
- Dr. Mary Koopman - Principal, Nathan F. Twining Elementary & Middle School
- Mr. Barry Lentz - Principal, Valley Middle School
- Mr. Darin Walters - Associate Principal, Valley Middle School
- Mr. George Whalen - Principal, Viking Elementary School
- Mrs. Ali Parkinson - Principal, West Elementary School
- Mr. Travis Thorvilson - Principal, Wilder Elementary School
- Mr. Travis Thorvilson - Principal, Winship Elementary School
Schools and services
Elementary schools
- Ben Franklin Elementary School
- Carl Ben Eielson Elementary School (located on Grand Forks AFB)
- Century Elementary School
- J. Nelson Kelly Elementary School
- Lake Agassiz Elementary School
- Lewis and Clark Elementary School
- Nathan F. Twining Elementary School (located on Grand Forks AFB)
- Phoenix Elementary School {website}
- Viking Elementary School
- West Elementary School
- Wilder Elementary School
- Winship Elementary School
Middle schools
- Elroy Schroeder Middle School
- Nathan Twining Middle School (located on Grand Forks AFB)
- South Middle School
- Valley Middle School
High schools
- Central High School
- Red River High School
- Community High School (alternative high school)
Other services
- Success Academy (for special needs students)
- Adult Learning Center (located in same building as Community High School)
- Head Start (pre-school)
- Summer Performing Arts Company or SPA (an educational summer theater program)
External links