Gord Miller (environmental commissioner)

Gord Miller

Gord Miller (born March 27, 1953) is the current Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Canada. He has served as the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario since 2000. He was reappointed to this position in April 2010 for a third five-year term.[1]


Miller received an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Guelph in 1976 and a Master of Science degree in Plant ecology in 1978.


Before his appointment, he worked for the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for 14 years as a scientist, manager of training and development, and as a district manager. He has direct experience with numerous environmental issues, including approval and inspection activities, sewage, drinking water, solid waste management, hazardous waste, noise, air pollution and land use planning.

Mandate of the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario is an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly who is responsible for reviewing and reporting on the government’s compliance with the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR).[2] In 2008, the EBR was amended to include annual reports on the progress of activities in Ontario to reduce the use or make more efficient use of electricity, natural gas, propane, oil and transportation fuels [3] and on the progress of activities in Ontario to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.[4]


Annual Reports

Every year the office releases an Annual Report and an accompanying Supplement. The Supplement contains reviews of each application submitted under the EBR, and of ministries' use of the Environmental Registry. The Annual Report contains articles which elaborate on selected pieces from the Supplement, and articles about developing or significant issues of interest to the ECO.

Greenhouse Gas Progress Reports

Since 2008, the ECO has issued annual reports on the Ontario government's progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Conservation Progress Reports

Since 2008, the ECO has issued annual reports on activities in Ontario to reduce the use, or make more efficient use, of electricity, natural gas, propane, oil and transportation fuel. These reports are issued in two volumes: the first volume covers the broader policy framework affecting energy conservation in Ontario, and the second describes conservation initiatives underway, assesses energy savings derived from these initiatives, and measures progress on meeting targets.

Special Reports

In addition to the above reports, the ECO may make a special report on any matter related to the EBR that, in the opinion of the Commissioner, should not be deferred until the annual report.

See also


External links