
A graphical representation of attempt to localise the Goplan tribes mentioned in the Bavarian Geographer (845)

Goplans, Goplanes or Goplanie were an early medieval West Slavic tribe, which later became part of the Polish nation. They are assumed to be the "Glopeani" mentioned in the Bavarian Geographer (around 845 AD) and believed to have lived around Lake Gopło, with their capital in Kruszwica, between the 7th and 9th centuries AD.

The medieval chronicle claims that "Glopeani" controlled 400 gords (fortified wooden settlements), as if the tribe was dominant in the area; however, the archeological research in Kruszwica has failed to uncover the fortress, although it does indicate the presence of a large settlement. A possible resolution has been offered by Gerard Labuda who hypothesized that the "Goplanie" were the same as, or a part of, the Polanie, whose main center was located at Gniezno.

The chronicle doesn't indicate the location of the tribe; however, it can be inferred from the list of neighboring tribes and their known locations:

(14) Osterabtrezi (identified as Eastern Obodrites) (15) Miloxi (16) Phesnuzi (17) Thadesi (18) Glopeani (19) Zuireani (20) Busani (identified as Buzhans on the Bug river)

The position on the list suggest the Glopeani tribe might have lived in Pomerania, Great Poland or Masovia.

See also