
"G+" redirects here. For the TV channel formerly known as G+, see Plus (TV channel).

Screenshot of Google+ UI as of May 2013
Web address,
Slogan Let's Meet Here
Commercial? Yes
Type of site
Social networking service
Identity service
Registration Required
Available in Multilingual
Users 540 million (active October 2013)[1]
Written in Java and JavaScript[2]
Owner Google
Launched June 28, 2011
Alexa rank
Steady 1 (April 2015)[3]
Current status Active

Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus /ˈɡɡəl plʌs/) is a social network and social layer for google services[4][5] that is owned and operated by Google Inc.

Google+ launched in June 2011 as a social network.[6][7] Google executives subsequently described Google+ as "a social layer across all of Google's services", allowing them to share a user's identity and interests.[8]

The service, Google's fourth foray into social networking, experienced strong growth in its initial years, although usage statistics have varied, depending on how the service is defined. User engagement has been relatively low.[9] Google+ has had three product managers, the latest of whom, Sundar Pichai, said that Google would "focus on communications, photos and the Google+ Stream" as three areas, rather than a single one under the Google+ umbrella.[35] Males age 24-36 have comprised the largest share of the user base.



Google+ is the company's fourth foray into social networking, following Google Buzz (launched 2010, retired in 2011), Google Friend Connect (launched 2008, retired by March 1, 2012) and Orkut (launched in 2004, as of 2013 operated entirely by subsidiary Google Brazil - retired in September 2014[10]).

Google+ launched in June 2011. Features included the ability to post photos and status updates to the stream or interest based communities, group different types of relationships (rather than simply "friends") into Circles, a multi-person instant messaging, text and video chat called Hangouts, events, location tagging, and the ability to edit and upload photos to private cloud-based albums.[6][7]

Growth, engagement

Total Active Users
Date Users Days Later
October 29, 2013 540 million 2 years[11]
Sep 18, 2012 400 million 1 year[12]
Dec 21, 2011 150 million 6 months[13]
Jul 22, 2011 25 million 24 days[14]
User Engagement
Date Time spent/month
January 2012 3.3 minutes[15]
March 2013 6.8 minutes[9]

Between 2011 and 2012, the number of active users on Google+ grew significantly, but the average time those users spent on the site was a small fraction of that on comparable social media services. Assessments of Google+ growth have varied widely because Google first defined the service as a social network,[6] then later as "a social layer across all of Google's services", allowing them to share a user's identity and interests.[8] According to Ars Technica, Google+ signups are "often just an incidental byproduct of signing up for other Google services."[16][17]

In private beta, Google+ reached 10 million users just two weeks after the launch.[18] In a month, it reached 25 million.[19] In October 2011, the service reached 40 million users, according to Larry Page.[20] Based on ComScore, the biggest market was the United States followed by India.[21] After nearly three months of operation, it hit 50 million users, whereas other social networking sites such as MySpace took 1,046 days to reach that level; Twitter 1,096 days; Facebook 1,325 days; and LinkedIn 2,354 days .[22] By the end of the year Google+ had 90 million users.[23] According to Experian Hitwise, an Internet metrics firm, the number of U.S. visits to Google+ surpassed 49 million during the one-month period ending December 11, 2011, a 55% increase from the one-month period ending November 11, 2011.[24] According to independent analysis of its growth in December 2011, the site was adding an estimated number of 625,000 new users a day.[25][26] In just under a day in July 2011, the Google+ iPhone app became the most popular free application in the Apple App Store.[27]

In October 2013, approximately 540 million monthly active users made use of the social layer by interacting with Google+'s enhanced properties, like Gmail, +1 button, and YouTube comments.[11] Some 300 million monthly active users participated in the social network, interacting with the Google+ social networking stream.[1][28][29]

But user engagement on Google+ was low compared with its competitors. ComScore estimated that users averaged just 3.3 minutes on the site in January 2012, versus 7.5 hours for Facebook.[30][15] In March 2013, average time spent on the site remained low: roughly 7 minutes, according to Nielsen, not including traffic via apps.[9] In February 2014, The New York Times likened Google+ to a ghost town, citing Google stats of 540 million "monthly active users", but noting that almost half don't visit the site. The company replied that the significance of Google+ was less as a Facebook competitor than as a means of gathering and connecting user information from Google's various services.[31]

Management changes

In April 2014, Vic Gundotra, the executive in charge of Google+, departed the company[32] with management responsibility going to David Besbris. On March 1, 2015, Google executive Bradley Horowitz posted that he had taken over Google’s Photos and Streams products, leaving the status of Google+ (which he didn't mention by name) unclear.[33][34] The week before, Sundar Pichai, Google senior vice president of products, told Forbes that the company would "focus on communications, photos and the Google+ Stream" as three areas, rather than a single one under the Google+ umbrella.[35] In a March 2nd post, Google+ Chief Architect Yonatan Zunger wrote that "Streams" refers to Google-provided streams of content, including Google+, Blogger, and News.[36]

User demographics

Google+ user base was roughly 60% male and 25% female as of November 2013, and 15% "other" or unknown.[37] Early adopters of Google+ in mid-2011 were mostly male (71.24%), and the dominant age bracket (35%) was between 25 and 34.[38] An August 2011 survey estimated that 13% of U.S. adults had joined Google+.[39]

Features and functions

User profile

A Google+ User profile is a public visible account of a user that is attached to many Google properties. It includes basic social networking elements like a profile photo, about section, background photo, previous work and school history, interests, places lived and an area to post status updates.[40] It also includes several identity service sections, such as a contributor and other profiles area that let one link their "properties across the web". These section optionally link to other social media accounts one has, any blogs one owns or have written or sites one is a contributor to. This area is used for Google Authorship.[41][42] Customized or Vanity URLs were made available to the public starting on October 29, 2013 to any account that is 30+ days old and has a profile photo and at least 10 followers.[43] Google removed author photos from search results in June 2014[44] and in August 2014 Google has stopped showing authorship in search results, both photo and author name.[45][46]


Circles is a core feature of the Google+ Social Platform. It enable users to organize people into groups or lists for sharing[47] across various Google products and services. Organization of circles is done through a drag-and-drop interface. Once a circle is created, a Google+ user can share specific private content to only that circle. For example, work themed content can be shared with only work colleagues, and one's friends and family could see more personal content and photos. The option to share Public or with Everyone is always available.[48] Since September 26, 2011 users can share Circles; it's a one-time share, so if the creator of the Circle updates the members, people's shared copies won't be updated.

Another function of Circles is to control the content of one's Stream. A user may click on a Circle on the left side of the page and the Stream portion of the page (the center) will contain only posts shared by users in that Circle. For the unsegmented Stream (includes content from all of a user's Circles), each Circle has a "slider" configuration item with four positions: nothing, some things, most things, and everything. The nothing position requires the user to select (click on) the Circle name explicitly to see content from users in that Circle. The everything setting as its name implies filters nothing out from people in that Circle. The remaining two positions control the quantity of posts which appear in one's main Stream, but the algorithm controlling what shows has not been disclosed.


In the "Stream", which occupies the middle of three columns on the page, users see updates from those in their Circles. There is an input box which allows users to enter a post. Along with the text entry field there are icons to upload and share photos and videos. The Stream can be filtered to show only posts from specific Circles.

Identity Service

Starting in November 2011, Google+ profiles are used as the background account for many Google Services including YouTube, Gmail, Google Maps, Android, Google Play, Google Music, Google Voice, Google Wallet, Google Local and more.[49][50] As of January 10, Google Search is customized with a feature called Search Plus Your World, which inserts content shared on Google+ profiles and brand pages under Web Search results, if one is logged into their Google+ account while using it.[51] The feature, which is opt-in, was received with controversy over the emphasis of Google+ profiles over other social networking services. The feature builds upon the earlier "Social Search" feature which indexes content shared or published by authors; "Social Search", however, relied partly upon returns from non-Google services, such as Twitter and Flickr. Google and Twitter had a contract that expired in July 2011 which is the reason Tweets are no longer shown.[52]

Hangouts and Hangouts On Air

Google staff preparing in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.
Obama discussing his State of the Union Address.
U.S. President Barack Obama interacts with YouTube and Google+ Hangout users in his first completely virtual interview, aired live on January 30, 2012.[53]

Hangouts are free video conferencing calls with up to 10 people, done through the Google+ website or mobile app. Many apps can be used inside the hangout, allowing users to share documents, a scratchpad, or their screens with other users, as well as many built-in apps such as YouTube, Google Docs, and the new Capture. Third-party apps built using the Hangout API are also available[54]

+1 Button

Google+ has a "+1 button" to allow people to recommend sites and parts of sites, similar in use to Facebook's Like button.[59]

Google+ Pages

Google+ Pages was launched on November 7, 2011 to all users, which allows businesses to connect with fans.[60][61][62] It allows entities which are not individuals (such as organizations, companies, and publications) to set up profiles, or "pages", for the posting and syndication of posts. It is similar to Facebook Pages.

Google+ Badges was quietly rolled out to select enterprises beginning November 9, 2011 and officially released to the public on November 16.[63] Badges are sidebar widgets which embed "Add to Circles" buttons and drop-down lists into off-site websites and blogs, similar to Facebook's Like Box widgets. This was officially treated by Google as a replacement for the older Google Friend Connect and its widgets, and GFC was announced by Senior Vice President of Operations Urs Hölzle on November 23, 2011, as scheduled to be retired by March 12, 2012 on all non-Blogger sites in favor of Google+ Page Badges.[64]

Google+ Views was introduced on April 1, 2014. It features a "view counter", which is displayed on every user’s profile page. The view counter shows the number of times the user's content has been seen by others, including photos, posts, and profile page.[65]


Google+ Communities: Released December 6, 2012, Google+ Communities allow users to create ongoing conversations about particular topics.[66] Google+ Communities can also be created and managed under Google+ Page accounts.


Currently (April 2014) between Communities and Hangouts on the main mobile menu, Locations is mostly the service that was Latitude. It allows the account holder to share their location with a person, circle or circles. The location can be as accurate as the GPS on the mobile device or can be set to only show city. That distinction on the map is shown by the shape of the avatar or profile photo. Further, if the device is between locations or, in the US, on a state line, the location will be given as the state or as "United States". If the location isn't updated by a mobile device or Web browser, the profile shows the static location named in the profile after 24 hours. (Its life earlier in 2014 was a week.)


Google+ Events: Released at Google I/O on June 27, 2012, Google+ Events allows users to add events, invite people, and then share photos and media in real-time from the event. The program is integrated with Google Calendar, and is posed as a direct competitor to similar features offered by Facebook.[67]

What's Hot

"What's hot" Stream, introduced on October 27, 2011, is a stream showing what Google+ users have commented, shared and interacted with the most. It is similar to "Trending Topics" On Twitter.[68]

Google Local

On June 11, 2014, Google combined Google Places and Google+ Local Business Pages with the Google My Business product. The product uses the interface of Google+ but has many more features including insights and analytics.[69] On May 30, 2012, Google Places was replaced by Google+ Local, which now integrates directly with the Google+ service to allow users to post photos and reviews of locations directly to its page on the service. Additionally, Google+ Local and Maps also now feature detailed reviews and ratings from Zagat, who was acquired by Google in September 2011.[70]


Original (left) and with Auto Enhance applied (right)

Additional features

Legacy features


According to Joseph Smarr, one of the Google+ team's technical leads, Google+ is a typical Google web application: it uses Java servlets for the server code and JavaScript for the browser-side of the UI, largely built with Google's Closure framework, including the JavaScript compiler and the template system. They use the HTML5 History API to maintain good-looking URLs in modern browsers despite the AJAX app. To achieve fast response times Google often renders the Closure templates on the server side before any JavaScript is loaded; then the JavaScript finds the right DOM nodes, hooks up event handlers, etc. The back ends are built mostly on top of BigTable and Colossus/GFS, and other common Google technologies such as MapReduce.[2]

Controversies and criticism

Gender issues

When joining the service, new users are asked for real-name and gender disclosure, which at launch was shared as public information.[86] The gender selector has options for "Male", "Female", and "Other". The mandatory public gender exposure led to criticism for making older Google profiles public.[87] In response, Google made changes to the service that allows users to control the privacy settings of their gender information.[88] Google's justification for requiring gender information is that it uses that information to inform its usage of the terms "he", "she", and "they" in their delivery of information to users of the service. If a user decides to make the gender portion of the profile private, the language used to convey information becomes gender-neutral, using the singular they in place of gender-specific pronouns.[89]

Censorship by governments

Within a day of the website's launch, various news agencies reported that Google+ was blocked by the People's Republic of China.[90] This is part of a wider policy of censorship in mainland China.[91] The Iranian government has also blocked access to Google+ from July 11, 2011,[92] as part of Internet censorship in Iran.[93] Despite experiencing high growth in the U.S and European markets, Google+ still remains unavailable in mainland China. While it is not technically "blocked", it was made impossible to use by slowing it down to a crawl.[94]

"Occupy Obama's G+"

On February 20, 2012, Internet users from the People's Republic of China realized that state restrictions on Google+ had been relaxed for unknown reasons, allowing them to post on Google+ pages.[95] In particular, Chinese users began to inundate the official election campaign pages of U.S. president Barack Obama on Google+ with often off-topic comments in simplified Chinese characters.[96]

The "occupation" of Obama's G+ page is largely considered a temporary mistake in Chinese censorship by observers outside China, as Google reduced its physical presence in mainland China.


Main article: Nymwars

In July 2011, Google+ required users to identify themselves using their real names and some accounts were suspended when this requirement was not met.[97][98] Google VP Bradley Horowitz stated that a violation of the terms of service will only affect the service whose terms were violated and not any of the other services that Google provides.[99] However, there were early reports of account holders being temporarily locked out of all of Google services.[100]

On October 19, 2011, at the Web 2.0 Summit, Google executive Vic Gundotra revealed that Google+ would begin supporting pseudonyms and other types of identity "within a few months".[101] As of January 23, 2012 Google+ allows the use of established pseudonyms.[102] In July 2014, Google Plus policy was changed to allow any name to be used.[103]

Commenting on YouTube

On November 6, 2013, YouTube began requiring that commenting on its videos be done via a Google+ account. YouTube said that their new commenting system featured improved tools for moderation, and comments would no longer be shown chronologically, but would be featured according to "relevance" and popularity, determined by the commenters' community engagement, reputation, and up-votes for a particular comment.[104] A small portion of channels that used email addresses of older channels without Google account integration, remained without the new comment system, though some older features are now broken.

The decision to require a Google+ account to comment on YouTube videos led some users to criticize the change. Some YouTube commenters and content creators complained that the Google+ requirement that users use their real name created online privacy and security concerns.[105] Others said the change made the comment system overly complex, and required users to set up an account on a social media platform for which they had no other use. An online petition to revert the change garnered over 100,000 signatures in less than a week and another 100,000 a week later.[106] YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim voiced his disapproval of the change in one of few recent comments[107][108] and added "I can't comment here anymore, since I don't want a google+ account." to the description of the first ever video on the site.[109] Commenters on YouTube pasted text art tanks and stick figures called "Bob" to protest the new commenting system and Google+.[110] Supporters of the changes said it was a positive step at cleaning up the "virtual cesspool" of homophobic, racist, sexist and offensive comments found on YouTube.[111] However, this actually increased the spam, and in fixing the issue, Google took the opportunity to strike back against those posting "Bob" ASCII art in protest at the company's actions.[112]

In popular culture

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Google+ Hangouts and Photos: save some time, share your story". Google Inc Official Blog. October 29, 2013. Retrieved October 29, 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Joseph Smarr (2011). "I'm a technical lead on the Google+ team. Ask me anything.". Retrieved August 17, 2011.
  3. "Alexa Ranking". Alexa Internet. Retrieved 25 April 2015.
  4. "Excerpt from interview with Google CEO Eric Schmidt".
  5. "Google Plus and Identity Services".
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Gundotra, Vic Gundotra (June 28, 2011). "Introducing the Google+ project: Real-life sharing, rethought for the web". Google Official Blog. Google.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Lytle, Ryan (Oct 27, 2013). "The Beginner's Guide to Google+". Mashable. Mashable.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Bosker, Bianca (March 10, 2012). "Vic Gundotra, Google's Social Chief, Explains What Google+ Is (But Not Why To Use It)". Huffington Post.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Wasserman, Todd (May 10, 2013). "Report: Google+ Visitors Spent an Average of About 7 Minutes on the Site in March". Mashable.
  10. "Tchau Orkut". Orkut Blog. Google. June 30, 2014.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Two years later, Google+ Hits 300 Million Active Monthly “In-Stream” Users, 540 Million Across Google, MarketingLand, October 29, 2013.
  12. Google+ Has 400 Million Members
  13. Google+ Hits 150 Million Active Users In 150 Million
  14. Google+ Pulls In 20 Million in 3 Weeks
  15. 15.0 15.1 "Google Plus Users Spent Just 3.3 Minutes There Last Month". CNN. February 28, 2012.
  16. "Google Accounts basics". Google Official Blog. Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  17. Murphy, David (January 21, 2012). "Will The Real Google+ Engagement Figures Please Stand Up?". PC.
  18. "Google+ Grows to 10 Million Users". CNN. July 14, 2011. Retrieved July 15, 2011.
  19. Wasserman, Todd (August 2, 2011). "Google+ Hits 25 Million Visitors; Users Are Spending More Time There [STUDY]". Mashable. Retrieved August 29, 2011.
  20. Larry Page's Google earnings remarks
  21. "Google+ Draws 25 Million Visitors in a Month, ComScore Says". August 3, 2011.
  22. "Google+ sees explosive growth, 50 million-plus users in less than 3 months". September 26, 2011.
  23. Google Announces Fourth Quarter and Fiscal Year 2011 Results
  24. Thomas Claburn January 4, 2012, Google+ Growth Numbers In Spotlight
  25. Google+ may reach 400 million users by end of 2012, The Los Angeles Times, December 27, 2011.
  26. Google+ surpasses 62 million users, C-net, December 28, 2011.
  27. Tsotsis, Alexia (January 4, 2011). "Google+ Is Now The Top Free App in the Apple App Store". TechCrunch. Retrieved July 21, 2011.
  28. Google's social network sees 58% jump in users, USAToday, October 29, 2013.
  29. Two years later, Google+ is growing, with 540m active users worldwide, 1.5b photos uploaded each week, The Next Web, October 29, 2013.
  30. Wasserman, Todd (June 27, 2012). "Google+: A Year of Missed Opportunities". Mashable.
  31. Miller, Claire Cain (February 14, 2014). "The Plus in Google Plus? It’s Mostly for Google". The New York Times.
  32. Gannes, Liz (April 24, 2012). "Google+ Head Vic Gundotra Leaving Company". Re/code.
  33. Google+ as We Knew It Is Dead, But Google Is Still a Social Network,
  34. Linden, Ingrid (March 1, 2015). "Bradley Horowitz is Now Running Google+". TechCrunch.
  35. "Exclusive: Sundar Pichai's Plan To Keep Google Almighty". Forbes. February 26, 2015.
  36. Zunger, Yonatan. "AmyBeth Inverness". Google+. Google. Retrieved March 2, 2015.
  37. "Circle Count Google+ Gender Stats". Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  38. Mitchell, Jon (August 1, 2011). "Who Used Google Plus First? Male Geeks from the US [Infographic]". ReadWriteWeb (blog). Retrieved August 29, 2011.
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  40. "13 Creative Google+ Cover Photo Hacks". June 4, 2012.
  41. DeJarnette, Rick (June 4, 2012). "The Definitive Guide To Google Authorship Markup".
  42. Cooper, Steve (October 8, 2013). "The One Reason Every Blogger Should Use Google+". Forbes.
  43. "Google+ starts offering custom URLs to accounts that are 30+ days old, have 10+ followers and a profile photo". October 29, 2013.
  44. "Google Announces the End of Author Photos in Search: What You Should Know". June 26, 2014.
  45. "Google will not show authorship in search results". August 29, 2014.
  46. "End of Google Authorship from Search Results". August 29, 2014.
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 Siegler, M.G. (June 28, 2011). "Google+ Project: It's Social, It's Bold, It's Fun, And It Looks Good — Now for the Hard Part". TechCrunch. Retrieved June 30, 2011.
  48. Find people and create circles - Google+ Help. Retrieved on 2013-11-29.
  49. Google doubles Plus membership with brute-force signup process, Ars Technica, January 22, 2012
  50. "Google Accounts basics". Google Official Blog. Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  51. "Search, plus Your World". Google Official Blog. January 10, 2012. Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  52. "As Deal With Twitter Expires, Google Realtime Search Goes Offline". Google Official Blog. July 4, 2011. Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  53. Compton, Matt (January 30, 2012). "President Obama Hangs Out With America".
  54. Diaz, Sam (September 20, 2011). "As Google+ Opens to Everyone, Hangouts Get Boost To Challenge More Than Facebook. Googling Google (blog of ZDNet). Retrieved October 12, 2011.
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  63. Todd Volkert (November 9, 2011). "Google+ badges: Drive Engagement with Your Users on Google+, Right from Your Own Website". Google+ Platform Blog.
  64. Urs Hölzle (November 22, 2011). "More spring cleaning out of season". Google.
  65. CYNTHIA BORIS (April 2, 2014). "Google Plus adds view counter to profile pages". marketingpilgrim.
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  73. "Google updates Picasa, adds Google+ Auto Backup standalone Mac tool". Retrieved October 4, 2014.
  74. "The Data Liberation Front Delivers Google Takeout", Google Data Liberation Front, June 28, 2011
  75. "Search in Google+". Google. September 20, 2011. Retrieved October 3, 2011.
  76. "Introducing Hashtag Auto-complete". Retrieved October 4, 2014.
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  79. Goodbye Google+ Messenger, hello G+ Photos. "Goodbye Google+ Messenger, hello G+ Photos". Android Central. Retrieved 2013-11-29.
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  85. TechWhack: Google Plus has a new logo and favicon
  86. Albanesius, Chloe (July 6, 2011). "Google Deleting Private Profiles by July 31". PC Magazine.
  87. Brinkmann, Martin (July 6, 2011). "All Your Private Profiles Are Belong To Us". Retrieved October 12, 2011.
  88. McCullagh, Declan (July 13, 2011). "Google+ Will Let Users Conceal Gender". Privacy Inc. (blog of CNET News). Retrieved October 12, 2011.
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  90. Arthur, Charles (June 30, 2011). "Google+ 'Blocked in China'". The Guardian (London). Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  91. Arthur, Charles (June 30, 2011). "Google+ 'Blocked in China'". The Guardian (London). Retrieved July 20, 2011.
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  93. "Iran Tightens Online Censorship To Counter US 'Shadow Internet'". Retrieved July 29, 2011.
  94. Wauters, Robin (June 29, 2011). "China Is Already Blocking Google+". TechCrunch.
  95. Joel Herrick (February 25, 2012). "Chinese Netizens Occupy Obama’s Google+, Americans Annoyed". chinaSMACK.
  96. "Chinese 'netizens' inundate Obama's Google+ page". BBC News. February 25, 2012 Last updated at. Check date values in: |date= (help)
  97. "Google Carries Out Account Cull on Google+". Retrieved July 21, 2011.
  98. Blue, Violet (July 23, 2011). "Google Plus Deleting Accounts En Masse: No Clear Answers". Pulp Tech (blog of ZDNet). Retrieved October 12, 2011.
  99. Hardawar, Devindra (July 25, 2011). "Google VP Offers Up Fixes to Google+ Name Policy, Debunks Myths". VentureBeat (blog). Retrieved August 23, 2011.
  100. GrrlScientist (July 25, 2011). "Google's Gormless 'No Pseudonym' Policy". The Guardian (London). Retrieved August 23, 2011.
  101. "Victory! Google Surrenders in the Nymwars", Eva Galperin and Jillian C. York, Electronic Frontier Foundation, October 19, 2011
  102. "In a Switch, Google Plus Now Allows Pseudonyms". New York Times. January 23, 2012.
  103. Google+ No Longer Requires You Use Your Real Name.
  104. Wynick, Alex (November 7, 2013). "YouTube Switches to Google+ to Clean Up Comments Section - But Not All Users Are Happy". The Mirror.
  105. Chase, Melvin (November 20, 2013). "YouTube comments require Google+ account, Google faces uproar". Newsday.
  106. "Google: Change the Youtube comment section back to its original form". Retrieved November 8, 2013.
  107. Hern, Alex (November 8, 2013). "YouTube co-founder hurls abuse at Google over new YouTube comments". The Guardian. Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  108. Alexis Kleinman (11/08/2013) [ "YouTube Founder Says What We're All Thinking About Google+." to the description of the first ever video on the site. The Huffington Post. Retrieved November 9, 2013.
  109. "Me at the zoo". YouTube. Retrieved October 4, 2014.
  110. "'Bob' and his tank become the mascots of the anti-Google+ movement". The Daily Dot. Retrieved October 4, 2014.
  111. "What’s the Fuss about YouTube Comments Linking to Google Plus?". Firstpost. Nov 14, 2013.
  113. "The Internship movie builds buzz trailer premieres during google hangout". Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  114. "Conan to host Google Hangout". Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  115. Stephen Colbert On YouTube Comments. YouTube (2013-09-25). Retrieved on 2013-11-29.
  116. "Google+ Lampooned On Late Night With Jimmy Fallon". Retrieved November 11, 2013.
  117. (February 14, 2013). . White House.
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  119. (August 13, 2012). . AllthingsD
  120. (August 30, 2011). . The Next Web
  121. (November 30, 2011). . Mashable
  122. Vaughan-Nichols, Steven (July 26, 2011). "Paradise Lost: Paris Hilton arrives on Google+". ZDNet.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Google+.