Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actress

Golden Rooster for Best Supporting Actress (中国电影金鸡奖最佳女配角) is the main category of Competition of Golden Rooster Awards.Awarding to supporting actress(es) who have outstanding performance in motion pictures.

Award Winners & Nominees


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
1981Lin Bin林彬Evening Rain巴山夜雨
Mao Weihui茅为蕙
Ouyang Ruqiu欧阳儒秋
1982He Xiaoshu贺小书Corner Left Unnoticed by Love被爱情遗忘的角落
Wang Lihua王立华Female Soilders女兵
Wang Yumei王玉梅In Laws喜盈门
Wang Yumei张金玲Xu Mao and His Daughters许茂和他的女儿们
1983Zheng Zhenyao郑振瑶My Memories of Old Beijing城南旧事
Yin Xin殷新Camel Xiangzi骆驼祥子
1984Song Xiaoying宋晓英Ward 16十六号病房
Ding Yi丁一Zan Men De Niu Bai Sui咱们的牛百岁
Wang Fuli王馥荔Zan Men De Niu Bai Sui咱们的牛百岁
1985Ding Yi丁一Girl from Mt. Huangshan黄山来的姑娘
Wang Yumei王玉梅Tan Sitong谭嗣同
Gai Ke盖克Wreaths at the Foot of the Mountain高山下的花环
1986Wang Fuli王馥荔Sunrise日出
1987Ding Jiali丁嘉丽The First Women In The Forests山林中头一个女人
Xu Ning徐宁Hibiscus Town芙蓉镇
1988Lu Liping吕丽萍Old Well老井
Song Chunli宋春丽Mandarin Duck Mansion鸳鸯楼
Song Xiaoying宋晓英Mandarin Duck Mansion鸳鸯楼
Ma Xiaoqing马晓晴The Trouble Shooter顽主


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
1990Lin Moyu林默予The Dream Of The Red Chamber红楼梦
Duan Xiu段岫Ballad of the Yellow River黄河谣
1992Ding Jiali丁嘉丽Spring Festival过年
Wang Yumei王玉梅Xin Xiang心香
Ma Ling马羚The Weddings高朋满座
1993Zhang Liwei张力维Ren Zhi Chu人之初
Fu Lili傅丽莉Stand Up, Don't Bend Over站直喽!别趴下
Ding Jiali丁嘉丽No More Applause无人喝彩
1995Ju Xue剧雪Gone Forever with My Love永失我爱
1996Zheng Weili郑卫莉Wu Er Ge Qing Shen吴二哥请神
Jiang Yao蒋耀Yang Kaihui/Kong Fansen杨开慧、孔繁森
1997Ma Xiaoqing马晓晴 I Have a Dad我也有爸爸
Wu Hao吴昊The red card红发卡
Zhang Yan张延After Divorce离婚了,就别再来找我
1998Bai Xueyun白雪云Settlement安居
Lu Liping吕丽萍Spicy Love Soup爱情麻辣烫
Shi Lan石兰Ji qing bian hu激情辩护
1999Yuan Quan袁泉Rhapsody of Sprin春天的狂想
Yi Chunde伊春德The National Anthem国歌


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2000Chen Jin陈瑾Heng Kong Chu Shi横空出世
Xu Fan徐帆A Sigh一声叹息
2001Peng Yu彭玉The Full Moon月圆今宵
Li Xiaomeng李小萌Who cares?谁说我不在乎
2002Yuan Quan袁泉Pretty Big Feet美丽的大脚
Zhou Li周莉Profound Attacking声震长空
2003Xu Jinglei徐静蕾Far From Home我的美丽乡愁
Chen Xiaoyi陈小艺The Parking Attendant In July看车人的七月
Liang Jing梁静The Law of Romance警察有约
Sa Rina萨日娜Father父亲
Ai Liya艾丽娅The Way to School上学路上
Fan Bingbing范冰冰Cell Phone手机
Qi Huan齐欢The Foliage美人草
Shen Huifen沈慧芬Profoundly Affecting惊心动魄
2005Huang Meiying黄梅莹Peacock孔雀
Gong Zhe宫哲You and Me我们俩
Li Kechun李克纯Dam Street红颜
Song Xiaoying宋晓英A Time to Love情人结
2006-2007Xiao Xiangyu小香玉One Foot Off The Ground鸡犬不宁
Karen Mok莫文蔚Mr. Cinema老港正传
Song Jia宋佳Curiosity Kills the Cat好奇害死猫
Zhou Xun周迅The Banquet夜宴
2008-2009Yue Hong岳红A Tale Of Two Donkeys走着瞧
Cao Cuifen曹翠芬Six Sisters沂蒙六姐妹
Dong Xuan董璇And the Spring Comes立春
Jiang Hongbo姜宏波Looking for Jackie寻找成龙
Sun Li孙俪Painted Skin画皮


Year Winner and nominees
Winner and nominees
English title Original title
2010-2011Guo Ge国歌Through Stunning Storms惊沙
Jiang Qinqin蒋勤勤Bright Sunshine大太阳
Jiang Ruijia姜瑞佳Feitian飞天
Li Bin李滨City Monkey玩酷青春
Zaiyinaipu Ailemutayi再伊奈普·艾勒木塔依An Eternal Lamb永生羊
Zhang Jingchu张静初Aftershock唐山大地震
