Golden Cadillac

Golden Cadillac
Type Cocktail
Primary alcohol by volume
  • Crème de cacao
  • Galliano
Served Straight up; without ice
Standard drinkware
Cocktail glass
Commonly used ingredients
  • 2 cl (1 part) Galliano
  • 2 cl (1 part) Crème de cacao (white)
  • 2 cl (1 part) Cream
Preparation Shake together over ice. Strain into cocktail glass and serve chilled.

The Golden Cadillac is an cocktail, made with Galliano and crème de cacao.[1] It is classified as an "after-dinner" drink, a digestif. This cocktail originated in Poor Red's Bar-B-Q in the town of El Dorado, California.[2]


  1. "Golden Cadillac Recipe". Alcomixer. Retrieved 2011-11-07.
  2. "Poor Red's BBQ". Poor Red's BBQ. Retrieved 2011-10-25.